<BoxPrimitive> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » Modifier » BoxPrimitive

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<Vec>MaxReturns a <Vec> object representing the maximum value of the box created by the modifier ( upper, upper, upper ). You can get and set the values of the <Vec> object via this interface. Note that you must use auto in the declaration of the variable to which this object is assigned.
<Vec>MinReturns a <Vec> object representing the minimum value of the box created by the modifier ( lower, lower, lower ). You can get and set the values of the <Vec> object via this interface.Note that you must use auto in the declaration of the variable to which this object is assigned.
<Material>MaterialGets or sets the <BoxPrimitive> object's <Material> object.
<Node>MaterialLinkGets or sets the <BoxPrimitive> object's <Material> object.
int32[]Resolution[ index ]Gets or sets the Resolution parameter. This parameter refers to the tessellation along X, Y, and Z of the box.
int32TriangulateGets or sets the Triangulate parameter.