SetRGBA Data Member Function

Sets the specified red, green, blue, and alpha values.


int32 SetRGBA( int32 p_nRed, int32 p_nGreen, int32 p_nBlue, int32 p_nAlpha )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32p_nRedSets the red value of the color to the specified value.
int32p_nGreenSets the green value of the color to the specified value.
int32p_nBlueSets the blue value of the color to the specified value.
int32p_nAlphaSets the alpha value of the color to the specified value.


Copy Text To Clipboard

auto Color a;
a.SetRGBA( 255, 128, 64, 255 );

Console.Out( LibColor.Out( a ) );


255, 128, 64, 255