<CommandRepNode> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » Group » CommandRepNode

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
stringCommandStatusStringGets the command status string such as "Removed", "Deprecated", or "Active".
stringGetDocFilePathCompleteGets the complete path and filename for the extended documentation file by concatenating the parent node object's path with this node object's extended documentation path. This requires the parent node to be of type CommandConfigNode.
int32GetStatusItemsPopulates a <StrList> and <Int32Array> with command status item names and indices. The names are values such as "Active" or "Deprecated" and the indices are derived from the CommandStatusOption enumeration.
<Guid>GuidReturns a pointer to the <Guid> object that stores the command's GUID. The command's GUID enables it to be uniquely identified by the application in the interface or in other use cases where name may be ambiguous.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
stringCommandCategoryGets or sets the command category string. For example: "Node Commands".
stringCommandDocumentationGets or sets the command documentation string.
int32CommandModeGets or sets the command mode option. This option refers to the CommandModeOption enum, which supports debug and release modes.
stringCommandNameGets or sets the command name string.
int32CommandStatusSets the command status option. This refers to the CommandStatusOption enum.
stringDocumentationFilePathGets or sets the path to the extended documentation file. This should be an ASCII file containing HTML that implements extended documentation for the command, which could be examples or other information for the user.
int32IsTransformedCommandGets or sets the IsTransformedCommand flag. This flag indicates whether or not the command uses a base command, such as NodeSetParameterFromList, and then transforms that command into a different name such as FindUniforms.
stringPackageGets or set the package string. For example: Scenome-Package-Geometry.
stringScriptGets or sets the string of the script file containing the command.