<CylinderPrimitive> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » Modifier » CylinderPrimitive

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<Vec>CenterGets or sets the center of the <CylinderPrimitive> in worldspace coordinates. This refers to the X, Y, and Z position of the center of the circle at the bottom of the cylinder.
doubleHeightGets or sets the <CylinderPrimitive> height parameter. This parameter refers to the height of the cylinder in world space relative to the center position.
<Material>MaterialGets or sets the <Material> applied to the <CylinderPrimitive>. This refers to the <Material> applied to the cylinder.
<Node>MaterialLinkGets or sets the <Material> applied to the <CylinderPrimitive>. This refers to the <Material> applied to the cylinder.
doubleRadiusGets or sets the <CylinderPrimitive> object's radius parameter. This parameter refers to the radius of the cylinder in world space relative to the center position in worldspace.
int32[]Resolution[ index ]Gets or sets the <CylinderPrimitive> object's resolution parameter, which is an array of two <int32> values. This parameter refers to the resolution of the cylinder around its radius and from top-to-bottom.
double[]TextureCoordinates[ index ]Gets or sets the <CylinderPrimitive> object's texture coordinates parameter. This parameter is an array of four double-precision values that refers to the start and end tiling around the cylinder and along the cylinder ( from top to bottom ).
int32TriangulateGets or sets the Triangulate flag. This flag determines whether or not to show or hide interior triangle edges in the caps or quadrilaterals of the cylinder.