<DataCaptureList> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » DataCaptureList

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AddAdds a <DataCapture> object to this <DataCaptureList>
int32AddObjectAdds a <DataCapture> object to the <DataCaptureList>. The <DataCaptureList> takes ownership of this object.
int32AddTopLevelObjectsFromBufferInternal use only.
int32ChangeModelThis command changes the Model referred to by the <DataCapture> objects resident in the <DataCaptureList>.
int32ClearClears the <DataCaptureList> by destroying all resident data. Memory owned by the object is released.
int32ClearClears the <DataCaptureList> data members, including the <List> object used to store <DataCapture> objects, and the container object <NodeSink>
int32DeepCopyTopLevelObjectsToBufferInternal use only.
int32DelObjectAtDeletes the internal <DataCapture> object at the specified index.
<DataCapture>GetReturns a pointer to the <DataCapture> object at the specified index or nullptr if the index is invalid.
int32GetConsumedSlotCountReturns the number of slots in the <DataCaptureList> that currently contain <DataCapture> objects. Slot counts follow standard matrix and vector rules. For example: a Matrix4x4 has 4 vector slots and 16 scalar slots, and a <Float64Vector> has 4 scalar slots.
int32GetCountReturns the count of <DataCapture> objects stored by the <DataCaptureList>.
<DataCapture>GetFirstObjectGets the first <DataCapture> object in the <DataCaptureList>.
int32GetObjectsDeprecated. Prefer GetObjectsBuffer().
int32GetObjectsBufferPopulates a <TypeBuffer> with all top level <DataCapture> objects being stored by the <DataCaptureList>, but does not traverse into each individual <DataCapture> objects to see what those objects store.
int32GetPackedObjectsDeprecated. Prefer GetPackedObjectsBuffer().
int32GetPackedObjectsBufferPopulates a <TypeBuffer> with all internal <DataCapture> objects being stored by the <DataCaptureList>, including <DataCapture> objects nested in other <DataCaptureList> objects.
int32InsObjectInserts a <DataCapture> into the <DataCaptureList> at the specified index. The <DataCaptureList> takes ownership of the inserted <DataCapture> object.
int32ShallowCopyTopLevelObjectsToBufferInternal use only.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<Node>ContainerSets or gets the container object, which should be the object such as a <VariableNode> or <NodeSink> that uses the <DataCaptureList> as a data member.
<List>ObjectsReturns a pointer to the raw <List> object used by the <DataCaptureList> to store <DataCapture> objects. Please use appropriate caution because access to this raw <List> is unguarded.