<ExportOptionsModifier> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » Modifier » ExportOptionsModifier

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
int32BorderPixelOverlapGets or sets the BorderPixelOverlap parameter. INTERNAL USE ONLY.
stringExternalDirectoryGets or sets the ExternalDirectory parameter. This parameter sets the output folder in which the paged terrain data is stored, usually as a sub-folder of the current folder.
int32ExternalizeGets or sets the Externalize parameter. DEPRECATED.
int32LODCountGets or sets the output terrain LODCount parameter. This parameter determines the number of levels-of-detail in the output terrain.
stringLocalDatabasePathGets or sets the LocalDatabasePath parameter. This parameter sets the local document path for the output terrain. For example: C:\ROOT\RASTER.
double[]SimplifyPercentages[ index ]Gets or sets the output terrain tile simplification percent parameter. This parameter specifies a unique simplification percent ( 25%, 50% ) for each output tile.
int32TileTessellationXGets or sets the output terrain tile TessellationX parameter. This parameter determines the X tessellation of each tile in the output terrain.
int32TileTessellationYGets or sets the output terrain tile TessellationY parameter. This parameter determines the Y tessellation of each tile in the output terrain.