<Float64Pointer> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » MemoryPointer » TypedPointer » Float64Pointer

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<Float64Pointer>Float64PointerThe constructor, which is used to initialize the pointer as a pointer to a value rather than a pointer to an object.
<Float64Matrix>CastFloat64MatrixIf the pointer refers to an object of the indicated type, this function returns a pointer to an object of the indicated type. This allows you to retrieve the underlying object to which the pointer is bound.
<Float64MatrixArray>CastFloat64MatrixArrayIf the pointer refers to an object of the indicated type, this function returns a pointer to an object of the indicated type. This allows you to retrieve the underlying object to which the pointer is bound.
<Float64Vector>CastFloat64VectorIf the pointer refers to an object of the indicated type, this function returns a pointer to an object of the indicated type. This allows you to retrieve the underlying object to which the pointer is bound.
<Float64VectorArray>CastFloat64VectorArrayIf the pointer refers to an object of the indicated type, this function returns a pointer to an object of the indicated type. This allows you to retrieve the underlying object to which the pointer is bound.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
doubleDataSets or gets the scalar value of the pointer, for cases where the pointer must refer to a single scalar value.