GetQualifierString Data Member Function

Returns a string value that represents the complete qualifier string formed by the <GlslQualifierNode> objects resident in the <QualifierList>. For example: 'layout( location = 0 ) in' ( as part of layout( location = 0 ) in vec4 position ) or 'layout( triangles, equal_spacing, ccw ) in' ( in a tessellation evaluation shader ) or 'out' ( as part of 'out vec4 fragColor' in a fragment shader ). Returns the qualifier portion of an expression and does not include variable declarations.


string GetQualifierString( QualifierList p_oQualifierList, int32 p_apBuffer )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<QualifierList>p_oQualifierListA pointer to the <QualifierList> object for which you wish to create a qualifier string.
int32p_apBufferA pointer to the <NodeBuffer> object you wish to populate with QualifierNodes.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Scenome Scripting Language code base.