<GlslQualifierManager> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » LanguageQualifierManager » GlslQualifierManager

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AddQualifierAdds a <GlslQualifierNode> to the <QualifierList> object.
<Node>FindQualifierSearches the <QualifierList> object for a qualifier and returns a <GlslQualifierNode> pointer or nullptr if the qualifier is not present in the <QualifierList>.
int32GetFormatQualifiersPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with GlslQualiferNodes that represent format qualifiers ( rg32f, rgba8i, etc. ).
<Node>GetLayoutNodeReturns a <LayoutNode> or nullptr if a <LayoutNode> is not resident in the <QualiferList>.
int32GetLayoutQualifiersPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with GlslQualiferNodes that represent layout qualifiers ( location, component, row_major, etc. ).
<QualifierList>GetQualifierListReturns a pointer to a <QualifierList> object if the <Node> has a <QualifierList> data member or nullptr.
int32GetQualifierNodesPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with all <GlslQualifierNode> objects resident in the <QualifierList>. <Node> objects not of type <GlslQualifierNode> are ignored and NOT added to the <List>.
stringGetQualifierStringReturns a string value that represents the complete qualifier string formed by the <GlslQualifierNode> objects resident in the <QualifierList>. For example: 'layout( location = 0 ) in' ( as part of layout( location = 0 ) in vec4 position ) or 'layout( triangles, equal_spacing, ccw ) in' ( in a tessellation evaluation shader ) or 'out' ( as part of 'out vec4 fragColor' in a fragment shader ). Returns the qualifier portion of an expression and does not include variable declarations.
int32GetStandardQualifiersPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with references to any <GlslQualifierNode> representing standard qualifiers ( not layout qualifiers ) that are resident in the <QualiferList> object.
int32GetStorageQualifierReturns the value of the current storage qualifier resident in the <QualifierList>, or zero if the storage qualifier is not resident. The value returned refers to the GLSL_Qualifier enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
int32GetSubroutineTypesPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with <Node> objects that represent the subroutine types. For example, in the declaration 'subroutine( RenderOutputColor ) vec4 SetFragmentColorRed()', this function populates the <List> object with pointers to the <Node> object that defines 'RenderOutputColor'. If a subroutine references multiple prototypes, those will be included as well. For example, in the declaration 'subroutine( RenderOutputColor, RenderLightColor ) vec4 SetFragmentColorRed()', pointers to the <Node> objects that implement 'RenderOutputColor' and 'RenderLightColor' will be added to the <List>. The <List> object does not own the objects with which it is populated.
int32IsWriteableReturns a bool that indicates whether or not the state of qualification allows the object to be writeable. For example: the return value will be false if the <QualifierList> stores a 'const' or 'in' or 'uniform' qualifier.
int32ModifyQualifierModifies a <QualifierList> object by adding or removing a <GlslQualifierNode> depending on the value of the parameter p_nAddQualifier.
int32RemoveQualifierRemoves the <GlslQualifierNode> of the indicated type if it is resident in the <QualifierList> object.
int32SortQualifiersCopies <GlslQualifierNode> objects from a source <NodeBuffer> object to destination <NodeBuffer> object, and allows you to filter the qualifiers by their status as standard qualifiers or layout qualifiers.