InterleaveChannels Data Member Function

Obsolete. Prefer <ImageFormatConverter> data interfaces such as ImageFormatConverter::InterleaveBytes, ImageFormatConverter::InterleaveHalfs, or ImageFormatConverter::InterleaveFloats.


int32 InterleaveChannels( Image p_oDestImage, int32 p_nChannelCount, Int32Array p_aiChannels, List p_oImages )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Image>p_oDestImageA pointer to the destination <Image> object that will store the interleaved bits.
int32p_nChannelCountThe total number of channels you are compositing into a final <Image>, which must be equal to the number of <Image> objects submitted to this function.
<Int32Array>p_aiChannelsAn <Int32Array>, the count of which must be equal to the number of <Image> objects submitted to this function, containing the channel indices to extract from each <Image>. For example, if you have four 8888RGBA <Image> objects, this <Int32Array> must have four elements, and each element must store a value from 0-3.
<List>p_oImagesA <List> object that contains the <Image> objects from which to extract channels to produce the destination <Image> object.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Scenome Scripting Language code base.