Make1D Data Member Function

Makes a <Texture> and underlying <Image> object that represents a 1D texture.


int32 Make1D( Texture p_oTexture, Image p_oImage, int32 p_ePixelFormat, int32 p_nWidth )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Texture>p_oTextureA pointer to the <Texture> object that will hold the <Image> object. The <Texture> object submitted to the function takes ownership of the <Image> object submitted to the function.
<Image>p_oImageA pointer to the <Image> object that will be owned by the <Texture>.
int32p_ePixelFormatAn <int32> representing a value from the Image_Pixel_Format enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL and look for enumerated functions starting with 'IPF'.
int32p_nWidthAn <int32> representing the width in pixels of the <Image> and <Texture>.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Scenome Scripting Language code base.