FillRegion Data Member Function

Fills a region of the array as if the array were 2D. For example: for a source array representing a 256x256 view, you can use this algorithm to insert a 16x16 set of values any position within the 256x256 'view' of the source data.


int32 FillRegion( Int16Iterator first, Int16Iterator last, Int16Iterator dst, Int32Array params )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<Int16Iterator>firstAn iterator at the start of the source data.
<Int16Iterator>lastAn iterator at the end of the source data.
<Int16Iterator>dstAn iterator at the start of the destination.
<Int32Array>paramsA pointer to an <Int32Array> containing parameters for the algorithm. This algorithm assumes the source data count matches the region width and region height parameters, and that the destination has sufficient storage. The specified region will be clipped to the width and height parameters. Index[0] = The source width, which is the total 'width' of the data. Index[1] = The source height, which is the total 'height' of the data. Index[2] = The lower left X coordinate of the region. Index[3] = The lower left Y coordinate of the region. Index[4] = The region width. Index[5] = The region height. Index[6] = The channel count.


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