<Int8ArrayAlgorithms> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyNo registered superclass.

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AccumulateAccumulates the values in the range and returns the value.
int32ComplementPopulates a range with the complement of two sets.
int32ContainsEqualReturns true if the value is found in the range.
int32ContainsGreaterReturns true if any value greater than the specified value is found in the range.
int32ContainsGreaterOrEqualReturns true if any value greater or equal to the specified value is found in the range.
int32ContainsLessReturns true if any value less than the specified value is found in the range.
int32ContainsLessOrEqualReturns true if any value less than or equal to the specified value is found in the range.
int32ContainsNotEqualReturns true if any value not equal to the specified value is found in the range.
int32ConvertToCpuMemoryLayoutConverts an array of scalars from the CPU memory layout, which is a contiguous, unpadded array of values, to the GPU memory layout ( GPU memory layout may change with padding introduced by certain layout qualifiers such as packed, shared, std430, or std140 ).
int32ConvertToGpuMemoryLayoutConverts an array of scalars from the CPU memory layout, which is a contiguous, unpadded array of values, to the GPU memory layout ( GPU memory layout may change with padding introduced by certain layout qualifiers such as packed, shared, std430, or std140 ).
int32CopyCopies the source to the destination, using C++ static_cast to convert values if the source type and destination type are different.
int32DeinterleaveExtracts a single channel of values from an array that is interleaved. An interleaved array is any array that has a count that is a multiple of some channel count. For example, a 32 count array can have 2 channels of 16 values or 32 channels of 1 value, or 8 channels of four values. Sets the source values to every [i]th value in the destination. Using [NNNN] as the source and [SDDDSDDDSDDDSDDD] as the destination for channel 0 results in [NDDDNDDDNDDDNDDD].
int32DifferencePopulates a range with the difference of two sets.
int32ExtractRegionExtracts a square or rectangular region from a 1-dimensional array by performing the extraction as if the array were 2-dimensional. This is equivalent to the functionality of a BitBlt operation on a standard <Image> object. This differs from the ExtractRegion algorithm because it can extract bytes from any basic array type: <Uint8Array>, <Uint16Array>, <Uint32Array>, <Uint64Array>, <Int8Array>, <Int16Array>, <Int32Array>, <Int64Array>, <Float16Array>, <Float32Array>, or <Float64Array>. This makes it easier to implement some types of algorithms more generically.
int32FillFills the array. If the destination range is a different type than the source range, the values are converted using the C++ static_cast operator. If there are more values in the source range than the destination, the values are repeated until all the space in the destination is exhausted.
int32FillRegionFills a region of the array as if the array were 2D. For example: for a source array representing a 256x256 view, you can use this algorithm to insert a 16x16 set of values any position within the 256x256 'view' of the source data.
int32FindMinMaxPopulates an array with the minimum and maximum values in the source array. Does not alter the source array. Returns 1 to indicate success; returns 0 to indicate failure.
int32FindUniqueFills the destination array with all the unique values in the source array. Values are added to the destination array in array order, from greatest to least, or from least to greatest.
int32GetWriteSizeInBytesReturns the size in bytes that will be written to the GPU. The source size in bytes might not be the destination size of the object in bytes if qualifiers such as packed, shared, std140, or std430 are specified.
int32InterleaveInterleaves the source into the destination, at the specified channel offsets. For example, sets the source values to every [i]th value in the destination. Using [0000] as the source: [1111111111111111] -> [0111011101110111] or [1011101110111011]. The span of the iterator must be evenly divisible by the number of specified channels, and the channel index must be between 0 and channel count - 1.
int32IntersectionPopulates a range with the intersection of two sets.
int32IotaFills the array with incremental values. Values that overflow the primitive range are automatically wrapped.
int32LinearInterpolateUses a linear function to interpolate the values in the source array with the specified number of steps.
int32MemcmpCompares two ranges using the C++ standard library memcmp function. Returns 0 if the objects match exactly. Otherwise returns non-zero.
int32MemcpyCopies the source onto the destination. For some copy operations, this may be the fastest method available.
int32NormalizeConverts the array from source value range A-B to destination value range C-D. For example: converts values from 0-255 to 0.0 to 1.0.
int32ParallelForEachExecutes a GLSL compute shader as a lambda on the range specified by the iterators submitted to this function.
int32Print1DPrints the array in 1D. Essentially prints a long list of numbers into a <StrList>.
int32Print2DPrints the array in 2D. Essentially prints a .CSV into a <StrList>.
int32RemapReplaces the values in the LHS values in the RHS.
int32ReplaceIfGreaterReplaces values in the range that are greater than the sentinel.
int32ReplaceIfGreaterOrEqualReplaces values in the range that are greater than or equal to the sentinel.
int32ReplaceIfLessReplaces values in the range that are less than the sentinel.
int32ReplaceIfLessOrEqualReplaces values in the range that are less than or equal to the sentinel.
int32ReplaceIfNotEqualReplaces values in the range that are not equal to the sentinel.
int32ResampleResamples the array, using an 'image view' of the array. For example, given an array that contains 256 values, one 'image view' of the array is as a 16×16 <Image>. For the same array, another 'image view' of the array is as a 32×8 <Image>. In both examples, 16×16 = 256 and 32×8 = 256, which exactly matches the array count.
int32ReverseReverses the array.
int32SortPerforms the C++ standard library sort on the range.
int32TransformOrientationRotates or flips a 1-dimensional array by performing the transformation as if the array were 2-dimensional.
int32UnionPopulates a range with the union of two sets.