<Math> Data Interface

This class supports common math computations.

Class HierarchyType » Math

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
static doubleAbsFloat64Returns the absolute value of a 64-bit float.
static doubleAbsInt32Returns the absolute value of a 32-bit int.
static doubleAcosReturns the arccosine value of 'Value'.
static doubleAsinReturns the arcsine value of 'Value'.
static doubleAtanReturns the arctangent of 'Value'.
static doubleAtan2Calculates the arctangent of 'Y' / 'X'.
static doubleCeilRounds the value up and returns the smallest value that is not less than the input.
static doubleClampFloat64Clamps the source value to the range specified by the floor and ceiling values.
static int32ClampInt32Clamps the source value to the range specified by the floor and ceiling values.
static uint32ClampUint32Clamps the source value to the range specified by the floor and ceiling values.
static doubleCosReturns the cosine of the angle.
static doubleExpCalls std::exp on the source value, which computes Euler's number raised to the power of the source value.
static doubleFloorRounds the value down to the largest value that is not greater than the source value.
static int32IsPow2Returns true if the source value is a power of two. Otherwise returns false.
static doubleLog2Returns log( value ) / log( 2.0 ), which is the binary value of the base 2 logarithm of the source value.
static doubleMaxFloat64Returns the maximum of the two source values.
static int32MaxInt32Returns the maximum of the two source values.
static int32MaxUint32Returns the maximum of the two source values.
static doubleMinFloat64Returns the minimum of the two source values.
static int32MinInt32Returns the minimum of the two source values.
static uint32MinUint32Returns the minimum of the two source values.
static doubleModFThis method returns the remainder of the division of two doubles.
static int32ModIThis method returns the remainder of the division of two integers.
static doublePIReturns the value of the constant pi.
static doublePowCalculates the result of the value 'base' raised to the power of 'exponent'.
static int32RandomReturns a pseudo-random number, based on the seed value.
static int32RandomMaxReturns the maximum value that the Random function may return.
static doubleRoundFloat64Rounds the source value with std::round, which computes the nearest integer to the source value.
static int32SeedRandomSeeds the pseudo-random generator.
static doubleSinReturns the sine of the source value.
static doubleSqrtReturns the square root of the source value
static doubleTanReturns the tangent of the source value.