<Path> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » Path

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AddPointAdds a point to the end of the path.
int32DeleteSegmentDeletes a segment from a Path.
doubleGetDurationReturns the duration of a Path. The duration is the combined length of all segments of the Path.
<Vec>GetPointReturns a <Vec> object that contains the worldspace coordinates of the specified path point in 3D coordinates.
int32GetSegmentEndIndexReturns the index of the final vertex for the specified segment.
doubleGetSegmentLengthReturns the length of the specified path segment.
int32GetSegmentStartIndexReturns the index of the starting vertex index for the specified segment.
int32GetSegmentStyleReturns the style of a path segment. The style can be 0 for linear, or 1 for Bezier.
int32MergePaletteMerges the palette of SourceNode with a Path. SourceNode must be either be derived from Path or <Mesh>, or be a <NodeLink> pointing at a Path or <Mesh>, or this function will fail. If Database is a valid <EditModel3D> object, or the Path is connected to a valid <EditModel3D> object, an editing action will be used to combine the palettes. Otherwise the palettes will be combined directly and the result cannot be undone by the user.
int32PointIndexToSegmentGets the segment index of the specified path vertex.
int32SetPointSet the path point at the specified index to the specified 3D coordinate.
int32SetSegmentStyleSet the style of a path segment. The style can be 0 for linear, or 1 for Bezier.
int32SplitSegmentSplits a path segment at a specified location.
int32UpdatePathPositionGets a position along a Path, specified by a delta time.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<Group>PaletteGroupGets or sets the MaterialPaletteGroup parameter.
<Node>PaletteLinkGets or sets the MaterialPaletteLink parameter.
int32PointCountReturns the PointCount parameter.
int32SegmentCountGets or sets the path SegmentCount.
int32[]SegmentMaterial[ index ]Gets or sets the SegmentMaterial parameter.
int32[]TessellationDepth[ index ]Gets or sets the TessellationDepth parameter.
float[]TextureCoordinate[ index ]Gets or sets the TextureCoordinate parameter.