LoadGeotiff Data Member Function

Populates a <Float32Array> objects and an <Image> object with information from the GEOTIFF.


static int32 LoadGeotiff( string p_oPath, Image p_oRaw, Float32Array p_afRaw, Float32Array p_afInfo )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
stringp_oPathThe absolute path to the GEOTIFF on the hard disk.
<Image>p_oRawA pointer to the <Image> object that stores the elevation data from the GEOTIFF.
<Float32Array>p_afRawA pointer to the <Float32Array> that stores the elevation data from the GEOTIFF.
<Float32Array>p_afInfoA pointer to the <Float32Array> that stores the meta-data from the GEOTIFF. This includes the min/max latitude, min/max longitude, min/max elevation, and elevation space along the x and y axes.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Scenome Scripting Language code base.