LoadGeotiffChunk Data Member Function

GEOTIFF files are stored in a chunk-based format composed of chunks running along the x and y axis (latitude and longitude). Loads the specified chunk of the GEOTIFF into a <Float32Array>.


static int32 LoadGeotiffChunk( string path, GdalDataSet dataset, int32 p_nChunkX, int32 p_nChunkY, Float32Array dst )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
stringpathThe absolute path to the GEOTIFF file on the hard disk.
<GdalDataSet>datasetA pointer to the dataset to store GEOTIFF metadata.
int32p_nChunkXThe chunk location on the x axis.
int32p_nChunkYThe chunk location on the y axis.
<Float32Array>dstA pointer to the <Float32Array> that stores the chunk's elevation data.


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