<PluginDomainGIS> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » PluginDomainGIS

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
static int32CloseGdalDatasetCloses the <GdalDataset> object. This releases the handle to the data set and system handles for the file.
static int32LoadGeotiffPopulates a <Float32Array> objects and an <Image> object with information from the GEOTIFF.
static int32LoadGeotiffChunkGEOTIFF files are stored in a chunk-based format composed of chunks running along the x and y axis (latitude and longitude). Loads the specified chunk of the GEOTIFF into a <Float32Array>.
static int32LoadGeotiffInfoPopulates a <GdalImageInfo> object with metadata from the GEOTIFF.
static int32MergeAerialImageryDeprecated
static int32OpenGdalDatasetOpens a GdalDataSet for a GEOTIFF.