<ScenomeApplication> Data Interface

The <Application> class is used to manipulate and store application-related data and values.

Class HierarchyNo registered superclass.

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
stringAppendToPathAppends a path with a string value, such as another path, or a filename.
stringBrowseFileOpenDisplays the Win32 common file open dialog and allows you to select a file on disk.
stringBrowseFileSaveDisplays the Win32 common file save dialog and allows you to save a file to disk.
int32CaptureScreenInternal use only.
int32CopyFileCopies a file from the source location to the destination location. The source and destination paths must be an absolute (C:\\MyFolder\\MyFile.txt) and all the folders in the entire directory tree of the destination path must exist (This function does not create destination directories.).
int32CreateDirectoryCreates a directory.
int32DeleteFileDeletes a file from the hard disk.
int32ExecuteCommandExecutes a Scenome command based on its category and name.
int32ExitEngages application shutdown. You will be prompted to save any unsaved work if applicable.
int32FileExistsReturns true if a file exists at the specified path. Otherwise returns false.
int32FindNextFinds the next instance of the specified string.
int32FindPreviousFinds the previous instance of the specified string.
int32FlushModelReferencesFlushes or refreshes a document. Typically used to refresh content pointed at via <NodeLink>.
<Render3D>GetAccelerate3DReturns a pointer to an <Accelerate3D> object that implements the OpenGL rendering device. This is used to access the OpenGL device from Scenome Scripting Language code.
stringGetActiveApplicationFileReturns the name of the active application file. For example: shader.scenomeapp.
stringGetActiveApplicationFileCompleteReturns the absolute path of the active application file. For example: D:\release6\content\applications\shader\shader.scenomeapp.
<EditModel3D>GetActiveModelReturns a pointer to the active <EditModel3D> object.
stringGetAppDataFilePathPopulates a string with the absolute path of the directory containing Scenome.exe, application DLLs, and most of the application scripts. Typically, something like C:\Program Files\Scenomics or wherever the binaries are installed.
stringGetAppDataPathReturns a string with the absolute path of the Scenome data file path. This is the directory containing Scenome.exe.
stringGetAppDocsFilePathPopulates a string with the absolute path of the application documents file path. This is the directory containing the Scenome documents such as shader files, application shells for the Shader app, user scripts, and textures. Typically, something like C:\Users\UserName\My Documents\Scenomics.
stringGetAppDocsPathReturns the absolute path of the application documents file path. This is the directory containing the Scenome documents such as shader files, application shells for the Shader app, user scripts, and textures. Typically, something like C:\Users\UserName\My Documents\Scenomics.
stringGetAppPathReturns the absolute path to the directory containing Scenome.exe and DLL plugins.
stringGetApplicationDataFilePathPopulates a string with the absolute path of the Scenome installation data file path. This is the directory containing the Scenome binaries. Typically, something like C:\Program Files\Scenomics or wherever the binaries are installed.
stringGetApplicationDataPathReturns a string with the absolute path of the directory that contains the Scenome binaries.
stringGetApplicationDocumentsFilePathPopulates a string with the absolute path of the Scenome documents file path. This is the directory containing the Scenome documents such as shader files, application shells for the Shader app, user scripts, and textures. Typically, something like C:\Users\UserName\My Documents\Scenomics.
stringGetApplicationDocumentsPathReturns the absolute path of the application documents file path. This is the directory containing the Scenome documents such as shader files, application shells for the Shader app, user scripts, and textures. Typically, something like C:\Users\UserName\My Documents\Scenomics.
stringGetApplicationPathReturns the absolute path to the directory containing Scenome.exe and DLL plugins.
int32GetCurrentProcessIDReturns the Windows Process ID for the process assigned to the current instance of Scenome.exe used by the application.
<DrawMode>GetDrawModeReturns a pointer to a <DrawMode> object based on its GUID.
<Editor>GetEditorReturns a specific editor based on its GUID.
stringGetFileExtensionDeprecated. Prefer the <FilePath> data interface of the same name.
stringGetFileNameDeprecated. Prefer the <FilePath> data interface of the same name.
stringGetFilePathDeprecated. Prefer the <FilePath> data interface of the same name.
stringGetInterfaceDefinitionFileReturns the absolute path to the current .XML interface definition.
int32GetLocalTimeHoursReturns the local machine time in hours.
int32GetLocalTimeMillisecondsReturns the local machine time in milliseconds.
int32GetLocalTimeMinutesReturns the local machine time in minutes.
int32GetLocalTimeSecondsReturns the local machine time in seconds.
stringGetStrippedFileNameDeprecated. Prefer the <FilePath> data interface called GetFileNameNoExtension.
stringGetTempPathReturns a temporary file path, including 'Name', and optionally including the ID of the current Scenome process.
stringGetTitleReturns the application's title string.
int32IsApplicationFileLoadedReturns true if the specified application file is loaded.
int32LaunchHtmlPageLoads any HTML file hosted on https://www.scenomics.com/.
int32LoadApplicationFileLoads the specified application shell. This changes the title, UI, and app icons to use the resources specified in the app file.
stringMakeRelativePathDeprecated. Prefer the <FilePath> data interface of the same name.
int32MessageBeepEmits a message beep from the application. This refers to the MessageBeep enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information. See also: Microsoft message beep documentation.
int32MessageBoxDisplays a message box terminated with Yes/No or OK.
int32OpenFileOpens a file in Scenome, replacing the existing file.
int32PlaySoundPlays a wave sound.
stringResolveModelRelativePathConverts a relative file path to an absolute file path based on the current file open in Scenome.
stringResolveNodeRelativePathConverts a relative file path to an absolute file path based on the filename of <Model3D> pointer of the node submitted to this function. You can also submit a <Model3D> pointer since <Model3D> is a type of <Node> (it's the document root node).
stringResolveRelativePathDeprecated. Prefer the <FilePath> data interfaces ResolveToModel or ResolveToPath.
int32RunProgramExecutes a program or command.
int32SaveFileSaves the current document to disk using the specified filename. Use this to save the current active document with another filename.
int32SaveFileAsSaves the current document to disk using the specified filename. Use this to save the current active document with another filename.
int32SetActiveInterfaceFileSets the active interface file to the specified interface definition file. This is a file with a .XML extension such as v0_shader.xml or v1_shader.xml.
int32SetBoxOpenDirectorySets the default directory location when the Windows common file dialog is used to open a file. Typically this is used to implement custom file open commands that open documents from a specific location.
int32SetBoxSaveDirectorySets the default directory location when the Windows common file dialog is used to save a file. Typically this is used to implement custom file saving commands that save documents in a specific location.
int32SetDefaultBoxFileSets the default .BOX file for this application instance. The contents of this .BOX file are what you see when you first start an instance of a specific application.
int32SetIconSets the icons used by the application instance. This must be a valid Windows .ICO file. The small icon is displayed in the upper left corner of the application, and the large icon is displayed when you use ALT+TAB to switch between applications, as well as other places.
int32SetInterfaceDefinitionFileSets the active interface definition file for this application.
int32SetTitleSets the application's title text.
int32ShellExecThis function opens a document based on its file path, using the current default Windows application that is associated with the file type.
int32ShellExecExOpens a file or executes an operating system command.
int32ShowFindWindowShows the Windows common 'Find' dialog.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<MainWindow>WindowReturns a pointer to the application's <MainWindow> object. This object provides access to panels, tabbed controls inside panels, and the application's rendered views.
stringCurrentFindTextSets or gets the Find dialog's current find text.