<TypeInfoArray> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyNo registered superclass.

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<TypeInfoArray>TypeInfoArrayThis object's constructor.
int32AddAdds a <TypeInformation> pointer to the end of the array.
int32AddTypeSequencePopulates the array with a user-defined number of <TypeInformation> object pointers.
int32AddUniqueAdds a <TypeInformation> pointer if the type is not already resident in the array.
int32AnyReturns true if the submitted <TypeInformation> object matches any types in the array, including subclasses.
int32AscendingInsertion sorts values added to this array.
int32ClearClears the array and frees the underlying memory.
int32CombineGiven ArrayA ( this array ) and ArrayB ( not this array ), combines ArrayB with ArrayA at the specified index in ArrayA.
int32ConsumeListPopulates a <TypeInfoArray> with the types of all the members of the <List>.
int32ConsumeNodeBufferPopulates a <TypeInfoArray> with the types of all the members of the <NodeBuffer>.
int32ConsumeTypeBufferPopulates a <TypeInfoArray> with the types of all the members of the <TypeBuffer>.
int32DelRemoves an item from the array at the specified index.
int32DerivedMatchCountReturns true if the specified number of types in this <TypeInfoArray> have exact or derived matches in the <TypeInfoArray> submitted to this function. Otherwise returns false.
int32DerivedMatchesReturns the number of derived matches in this <TypeInfoArray> and the <TypeInfoArray> submitted to this function.
int32DescendingInsertion sorts values added to this array.
int32ExactMatchesReturns the number of exact matches in this <TypeInfoArray> and the <TypeInfoArray> submitted to this function.
int32FillSets all the items in the <TypeInfoArray> to this value.
int32FindReturns the index of a value in the <TypeInfoArray> or -1 if the value is not in the array.
TypeInformationGetReturns a pointer to the object at the specified index.
int32GetCountReturns the count of the underlying array object.
TypeInformationGetFirstReturns a pointer to the first item in the array, or nullptr if the array is empty.
TypeInformationGetLastReturns a pointer to the last item in the array, or nullptr if the array is empty.
int32InReturns true if the <TypeInformation> pointer submitted to this function is in the array.
int32InsertInserts a value into the array. May incur re-allocation costs depending on the size of any allocated reserve.
int32IsDerivedReturns true if the type of the <Node> pointer submitted to this function matches any of the <TypeInformation> pointers in this array.
int32IsEmptyReturns true if the array is empty.
int32IsEquivalentReturns true if the <TypeInformation> pointers in this <TypeInfoArray> are exact matches to all the <TypeInformation> pointers in the <TypeInfoArray> submitted to this function. Otherwise returns false.
int32MergeAdds a <TypeInformation> pointer to the end if the value is not already in the <TypeInfoArray>.
int32MoveRelocates a chunk of the array to a new index.
TypeInformationNextReturns a pointer to the next item in the array, or nullptr if the specified index is the last item in the array.
int32PopPops the first item off the top of the stack.
TypeInformationPreviousReturns a pointer to the previous item in the array, or nullptr if the specified index is the last item in the array.
int32PushPushes an item onto the stack ( at the end ).
TypeInformationRemoveRemoves a <TypeInformation> pointer from the array, but does not destroy it. Returns a pointer to the <TypeInformation> object that was removed from the array.
TypeInformationRemoveTypeRemoves all instances of the specified <TypeInformation> from the array.
int32ReverseReverse the array.
int32SetCountSets the count of the array.
int32ShrinkShrinks the array to a sub-range.
int32SortSorts the <TypeInformation> objects by alphabetical order.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
TypeInformation[]Objects[ index ]Gets or sets the value of an element in the array at the specified index. The syntax is array.Objects[ n ], where n is a valid index into the array.
int32CountGets or sets the number of <TypeInformation> pointers in the <TypeInfoArray>. Setting the count to zero frees all the memory owned by the <TypeInfoArray>, but does not destroy the <TypeInfoArray> object.
int32ReserveGets or sets the reserve allocation. Note: this does not change the array count, it merely changes the size of the underlying buffer.