<ValidateNodeCommandContext> Data Interface

The <ValidateNodeCommandContext> class is used to automate user interface state handling for script commands that require certain node types to be selected in order to function properly.

Class HierarchyType » ValidateNodeCommandContext

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
static int32DisableIfParentDisables the command if the parent is derived from the specified type or types.
static int32IsAnyTypeSelectedReturns true if the <TypeInformation> of every item in the selection matches the <TypeInformation> objects contained in the <TypeInfoArray> submitted to this function. You can specify whether to use exact matches or subclass matches.
static int32TestContextSets the UI state for commands which require a certain <Node> type to be selected in order to function properly. If any <Node> objects of type 'NodeType' are selected, the hint is printed directly. Otherwise, the hint is printed in conjunction with information on how to enable the command.
static int32TestParentEnables the command in the UI if the parent is derived from the specified type.
static int32TestSelectionTests the selection and enables the command if the selection matches the specification submitted to this function.