EvaluateIntExpression Data Member Function

Evaluates two <int32> values according to the binary operator submitted to this function.


int32 EvaluateIntExpression( int32 p_nLHS, int32 p_nRHS, int32 p_eBinaryOperator )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32p_nLHSThe left operand.
int32p_nRHSThe right operand.
int32p_eBinaryOperatorAn <int32> representing a member of the BinaryOperator enumeration. Must be one of: BinaryOperator_GreaterThan, BinaryOperator_LessThan, BinaryOperator_GreaterThanOrEqualTo, BinaryOperator_LessThanOrEqualTo, BinaryOperator_IsEqualTo, BinaryOperator_NotEqualTo, BinaryOperator_LogicalAnd, or BinaryOperator_LogicalInclusiveOr. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.


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