<VecArray> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyNo registered superclass.

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<VecArray>VecArrayConstructs a <VecArray> object with the specified count and X, Y, and Z values.
int32AddAdds a <Vec> to the end of the array.
int32BindPointerBinds a <MemoryPointer> or subclass to this object. The <MemoryPointer> becomes a pointer to this object that can be passed to compatible functions.
int32ClearClears the array and frees the underlying memory, but does not destroy the <VecArray> object.
int32CombineGiven ArrayA ( this array ) and ArrayB ( not this array ), combines ArrayB with ArrayA at the specified index in ArrayA.
int32ConvertBytesToCountSets the array count to a value guaranteed to be large enough to store an array of N bytes. Will round up to the nearest positive <int32> if the byte count provided does not align with the number of bytes per element. For example, ints are 4 bytes each, so providing a value of 16 bytes ensures the array count is set to 4.
int32CopyCopies the value of the source into this <VecArray>.
int32DelRemoves an item from the array at the specified index.
int32ElementSizeReturns the size of the element of which the array is composed. In this case, it returns sizeof( <Vec> ), which is 24 bytes ( 3 * sizeof( double ) ).
int32FillSets all the items in the <VecArray> to this value.
int32FindFinds a <Vec> in the <VecArray>.
<Vec>GetReturns a pointer to the <Vec> object at the specified index.
int32GetCountReturns the count of the underlying array object.
<Vec>GetFirstReturns a pointer to the first object in the array or returns nullptr if the array is empty.
<Vec>GetLastReturns a pointer to the last object in the array or returns nullptr if the array is empty.
<Uint8ArrayView>GetViewReturns a <Float64ArrayView> that contains first and last iterators for the collection.
int32InsertInserts a <Vec> object into the array. May incur re-allocation costs depending on the size of any allocated reserve.
int32MergeAdds a <Vec> object to the end if the value is not already in the <VecArray>.
int32MoveMoves the memory from the source array to the destination array. Leaves the source array empty with a count of zero.
int32PopPops the first item off the top of the stack.
int32PushPushes an item onto the stack ( at the end ).
int32RelocateRelocates a chunk of the array to a new index.
<Vec>RemoveRemoves a <Vec> object from the array, but does not destroy it. Returns a pointer to the <Vec> object that was removed from the array.
int32SetSets the value at the specified index.
int32ShrinkShrinks the array to a sub-range.
int32SizeInBytesReturns the size in bytes of the <VecArray>, which is the total number of bytes currently being used by the <VecArray>, and does not include any allocated reserve.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
Vec[]Objects[ index ]Gets or sets the value of an element in the array at the specified index. The syntax is array.Objects[ n ], where n is a valid index into the array.
<VecArray>ValueReturns the value of this object's underlying array. For example: to assign the value of this object to another <VecArray>.
int32CountGets or sets the number of <float64> values in the <VecArray>. Setting the count to zero frees all the memory owned by the <VecArray>, but does not destroy the <VecArray> object.
int32ReserveGets or sets the reserve allocation. Note: this does not change the array count, it merely changes the size of the underlying buffer.