ReadNextFrame Data Member Function

Reads the next frame from the video stream into an <Image> object.


int32 ReadNextFrame( int32 p_eFormat, Image p_oDest, VideoFrameMetadata p_oMetaData )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32p_eFormatThe pixel format of the video. This must be a pixel format of one of the following supported video formats: YUV420P, NV12, YUYV, or YU12. This refers to the Image_Pixel_Format enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL for more information.
<Image>p_oDestA pointer to the <Image> object that stores the video frame.
<VideoFrameMetadata>p_oMetaDataA pointer to the <VideoFrameMetadata> object that contains the correct metadata for the video stream.


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