<VideoSource> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » VideoSource

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32CloseCloses the video source.
int32GetColorMatrixFloat32Fills a <Float32Matrix> with values used to convert from video color-space to RGB color-space.
int32GetColorMatrixFloat64Fills a <Float64Matrix> with values used to convert from video color-space to RGB color-space.
int32GetColorRangePopulates an <Int32Vector> with information about the color range of the video stream.
stringGetLocationReturns the current location in the video stream.
int32GetMetadataPopulates a <VideoSourceMetadata> object with the video stream metadata.
int32OpenOpens a video stream from disk or from an RTSP source.
int32ReadNextFrameReads the next frame from the video stream into an <Image> object.
int32SeekToFrameSets the current frame location.
int32SeektoTimePtsSets the current frame location to the specified time stamp location.