
Stores view position, orientation, and clip plane parameters. Simdify applications have an internal camera that is linked to the worksheet. This internal camera controls display and rendering.


Class registration and implementation information is as follows:

Category Documentation
Class HierarchyNode » FrameReferenceNode » Camera
Data Interface NameCamera
Type StatusActive
Is Final TypeYes

<Camera> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
Camera Mode: NoneThis sets the >Camera> mode to standard behavior.
Camera Mode: Live (Store To Device)This sets the >Camera> to store its settings in a <LightCameraStateNode>.
Camera Mode: Live (Load from Device)This sets the <Camera> to load its settings from a <Camera> or <LightCameraStateNode>.
Camera Data SourceSpecifies the <Camera> or <LightCameraState> used as the <Camera> data source.
Position XThis sets the camera position on the X axis.
Position YThis sets the camera position on the Y axis.
Position ZThis sets the camera position on the Z axis.
Orientation XThis sets the camera orientation on the X axis.
Orientation YThis sets the camera orientation on the Y axis.
Orientation ZThis sets the camera orientation on the Z axis.
Projection: PerspectiveThis sets the camera mode to perspective projection.
Projection: TopThis sets the camera mode to top projection.
Projection: FrontThis sets the camera mode to front projection.
Projection: SideThis sets the camera mode to side projection.
ZoomThis sets the camera zoom.
Near Clipping PlaneThis sets the near clipping plane.
Far Clipping PlaneThis sets the far clipping plane.
Viewport Mode: Inherit StateThis option is undocumented at present.
Viewport Mode: Set Fragment CoordsThis option is undocumented at present.
Viewport Mode: Set Normalized CoordsThis option is undocumented at present.
Viewport Min XThis option is undocumented at present.
Viewport Min YThis option is undocumented at present.
Viewport Size XThis option is undocumented at present.
Viewport Size YThis option is undocumented at present.

<Node> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
NameSets orthe name of the node. Do not use / or \ [forward slash and backslash] in the node name as this produces conflicts with resolving link nodes that reference external files.
ClassSets the class of the node.
IDSets the ID of the node. This must be unique for each document, but different documents can use the same ID.
Export DisabledDetermines whether or not the node is exported during an export process, or possibly other purposes. This flag is set to No and current Simdify exporters ignore it (but it can be very useful if you need to modify the exporters).
GuidEnumerates the Node's GUID.