This node allows you to create a graph-based representation of a command, its command category, GUID, documentation, status, and mode.
Class registration and implementation information is as follows:
Category | Documentation |
Implementation | C++ |
Module | Plugin-Nodes-Project |
Class Hierarchy | Node » Group » CommandRepNode |
Data Interface Name | CommandRepNode |
Type Status | Active |
Is Final Type | Yes |
Properties are as follows:
Property | Documentation |
Is Transformed | Sets or gets the command's transformed state. A transformed command uses a placeholder name, which is then transformed into a popup menu. See TYPE_NODE_SCRIPTS.SSL::NodeSetParameterFromList. The associated function NodeSetParameterFromList_OnShowPopupMenu transforms the interface item named 'EnumerateAppFolders' into a popup menu that displays a list of directories. |
Command Name | Sets or gets the name of the command. This is the Simdify Scripting Language name such as EditDisplayProperties. This is not the name of the command in the user interface. |
Command Category | Sets or gets the category of the command. This is the category set in the macro declaration. For example, in the macro declaration '[Category="Node Commands", Package="Simdify-Package-Geometry", Guid="{1F91F9D2-F612-46D4-A453-4B81096121A9}", Image=".\\icons\\delete.bmp"]', "Node Commands" is the command category. |
Command Package | Sets or gets the package in which the command is grouped. This is the package set in the macro declaration. For example, in the macro declaration '[Category="Node Commands", Package="Simdify-Package-Geometry", Guid="{1F91F9D2-F612-46D4-A453-4B81096121A9}", Image=".\\icons\\delete.bmp"]', "Simdify-Package-Geometry" is the command package. |
Command Documentation | Sets or gets the command documentation. This is a short snippet that describes the main purpose of the command. This should be a sentence or two. |
Script Path | Sets or gets the script path, which is the Simdify Scripting Language script in which the command source code resides. |
Extended Documentation Path | Sets or gets the file path to the command's extended documentation. The extended documentation must be written in HTML. |
Command Status: Removed | Indicates that the command has been removed from the Simdify Scripting Language code base. |
Command Status: Deprecated | Indicates that the command is no longer under active development, and could be removed from the Simdify Scripting Language code base at any time. |
Command Status: Compatibility | Indicates that the command is no longer under active development, but will remain in the Simdify Scripting Language code base until it is deprecated. |
Command Status: Active | Indicates that the command active. |
Command Status: Disabled | Indicates that the command is disabled. Disabled commands will not be included in the UI when the UI shell is compiled. |
Command Mode: Release | Indicates that the command will be included when the UI is built in release mode or debug mode. Note that this only refers to the UI shell being built with the Shell application. This does not refer to a release build of the application produced by a compiler. |
Command Status: Disabled | Indicates that the command will be included when the UI is built in debug mode. Note that this only refers to the UI shell being built with the Shell application. This does not refer to a debug build of the application produced by a compiler. |
Properties are as follows:
Property | Documentation |
Visible | Toggles the <Group>'s visible/invisible". Child nodes are not visible when their parent <Group>'s is invisible. |
Collisions | Toggles collision detection on the <Group> node and its children". This is used for runtime export and has no effect in Simdify applications. |
Cull | Toggles view volume culling on/off". modifying this parameter may cause incorrect culling and other unexpected consequences. |
Preserve Camera | This option is undocumented at present. |
Generic Data Source | This option provides the capability to connect a <Group>'s to a node that serves as a generic data source. |
Bounding Box Frozen | Freezes the bounding box at its current size. This is often used as a runtime flag, and modifying this parameter may cause incorrect culling. |
Minimum X | Displays the minimum bounding box coordinate on the X axis. |
Minimum Y | Displays the minimum bounding box coordinate on the Y axis. |
Minimum Z | Displays the minimum bounding box coordinate on the Z axis. |
Maximum X | Displays the maximum bounding box coordinate on the X axis. |
Maximum Y | Displays the maximum bounding box coordinate on the Y axis. |
Maximum Z | Displays the maximum bounding box coordinate on the Z axis. |
Transform Locked | Locks the node and prevents transformation of the node and its children. This is a runtime flag and has no effect in Simdify applications. |
Position X | Displays the node's position on the X axis. |
Position Y | Displays the node's position on the Y axis. |
Position Z | Displays the node's position on the Z axis. |
Orientation X | Displays the node's orientation on the X axis. |
Orientation Y | Displays the node's orientation on the Y axis. |
Orientation Z | Displays the node's orientation on the Z axis. |
Scale X | Displays the node's scale on the X axis. |
Scale Y | Displays the node's scale on the Y axis. |
Scale Z | Displays the node's scale on the Z axis. |
Billboard | Sets the node as a billboard. Billboards rotate to face the camera. This feature has been preserved for compatibility purposes, but this functionality should be implemented with geometry shaders. |
Properties are as follows:
Property | Documentation |
Name | Sets orthe name of the node. Do not use / or \ [forward slash and backslash] in the node name as this produces conflicts with resolving link nodes that reference external files. |
Class | Sets the class of the node. |
ID | Sets the ID of the node. This must be unique for each document, but different documents can use the same ID. |
Export Disabled | Determines whether or not the node is exported during an export process, or possibly other purposes. This flag is set to No and current Simdify exporters ignore it (but it can be very useful if you need to modify the exporters). |
Guid | Enumerates the Node's GUID. |