
Generates tessellated geometry shaped like a cylinder.


Class registration and implementation information is as follows:

Category Documentation
Class HierarchyNode » Modifier » CylinderPrimitive
Data Interface NameCylinderPrimitive
Type StatusActive
Is Final TypeYes

<CylinderPrimitive> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
Center XSets center of the cylinder on the X axis in world coordinates.
Center YSets center of the cylinder on the Y axis in world coordinates.
Base ZSets foot of the cylinder on the Z axis in world coordinates.
RadiusSets the radius of the cylinder in world coordinates, using Center X and Center Y as the frame of reference.
HeightSets the height of the cylinder in world coordinates, using Base Z as the frame of reference.
MaterialLinks the modifier to a <Material> node. This applies the <Material> to all the faces in the cylinder.
Radius ResolutionSets the geometric resolution of the cylinder around its circumference.
Z ResolutionSets the geometric resolution of the cylinder on the Z axis.
TriangulateDetermines whether or not the cylinder's triangle edges are hidden.
Apply Texture ModifierDetermines whether or not the cylinder is used to project texture coordinates.
Start Radius TextureDetermines the location around the circumference at which to start texture coordinate flow. 0.0 is a common value.
Start Height TextureDetermines the location along the cylinder's height at which to start texture coordinate flow. 0.0 is a common value.
End Radius TextureDetermines the location around the circumference at which to stop texture coordinate flow. 1.0 or 2.0 or 3.0 are common values.
End Height TextureDetermines the location along the cylinder's height at which to stop texture coordinate flow. 1.0 or 2.0 or 3.0 are common values.

<Modifier> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
EnabledDetermines whether or not the modifier is enabled.

<Node> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
NameSets orthe name of the node. Do not use / or \ [forward slash and backslash] in the node name as this produces conflicts with resolving link nodes that reference external files.
ClassSets the class of the node.
IDSets the ID of the node. This must be unique for each document, but different documents can use the same ID.
Export DisabledDetermines whether or not the node is exported during an export process, or possibly other purposes. This flag is set to No and current Simdify exporters ignore it (but it can be very useful if you need to modify the exporters).
GuidEnumerates the Node's GUID.