
This modifier enables geographic projection of texture coordinates from latitude/longitude coordinates to Universal Transverse Mercator, Lambert Conformal Conic, or Robinson projection.


Class registration and implementation information is as follows:

Category Documentation
Class HierarchyNode » Modifier » ProjectionModifier » GeographicTextureModifier
Data Interface NameGeographicTextureModifier
Type StatusActive
Is Final TypeYes

<GeographicTextureModifier> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
Values Are Already ProjectedSet this value if the texture is already projected, such as with ortho-imagery. Height imagery is usually unprojected.
Minimum LatitudeThis is the minimum latitude, such as 40 ( degrees ), of the unprojected texture. May also be northing coordinates if the imagery is already projected.
Minimum LongitudeThis is the minimum longitude, such as -127 ( degrees ), of the unprojected texture. May also be easting coordinates if the imagery is already projected.
Maximum LatitudeThis is the maximum latitude, such as 41 ( degrees ), of the unprojected texture. May also be northing coordinates if the imagery is already projected.
Maximum LongitudeThis is the maximum longitude, such as -125 ( degrees ), of the unprojected texture. May also be easting coordinates if the imagery is already projected.
Material FilterApply the projection to the <Material> or <NodeLink> to <Material> specified by this node parameter.

<ProjectionModifier> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
Projection: Universal Transverse MercatorSets the projection to Universal Transverse Mercator.
Projection: Lambert Conformal ConicSets the projection to Lambert Conformal Conic.
Projection: RobinsonSets the projection to Robinson.
Datum: WGS 84Sets the datum to World Geodetic Survey 1984.
Datum: WGS 72Sets the datum to World Geodetic Survey 1972.
Datum: Clarke 1866Sets the datum to Clark 1866.
Datum: Clarke 1880Sets the datum to Clark 1880.
Datum: BesselSets the datum to Bessel.
Datum: GRS 80Sets the datum to Geodetic Reference System 1980.
UTM ZoneThis sets the UTM zone. This parameter is available when the projection is Universal Transverse Mercator

<Modifier> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
EnabledDetermines whether or not the modifier is enabled.

<Node> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
NameSets orthe name of the node. Do not use / or \ [forward slash and backslash] in the node name as this produces conflicts with resolving link nodes that reference external files.
ClassSets the class of the node.
IDSets the ID of the node. This must be unique for each document, but different documents can use the same ID.
Export DisabledDetermines whether or not the node is exported during an export process, or possibly other purposes. This flag is set to No and current Simdify exporters ignore it (but it can be very useful if you need to modify the exporters).
GuidEnumerates the Node's GUID.