
Implements a light.


Class registration and implementation information is as follows:

Category Documentation
Class HierarchyNode » Light
Data Interface NameLight
Type StatusActive
Is Final TypeYes

<Light> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
Ambient ColorSets the ambient color of the light array member.
Diffuse ColorSets the diffuse color of the light array member.
Specular ColorSets the specular color of the light array member.
Emissive ColorSets the emissive color of the light array member.
Position XSets the X axis position of the <Light>.
Position YSets the Y axis position of the <Light>.
Position ZSets the Z axis position of the <Light>.
Orientation XSets the X axis orientation of the <Light>.
Orientation YSets the Y axis orientation of the <Light>.
Orientation ZSets the Z axis orientation of the <Light>.
IntensitySets the intensity of the light array member. Range is between -100 to 100.
Constant AttenuationSets the base attenuation for the light array member. Range is between 0.00001 and 10000000000.
Linear AttenuationSets the linear attenuation for the light array member. Range is between 0.00001 and 10000000000.
Quadratic AttenuationSets the quadratic attenuation for the light array member. Range is between 0.00001 and 10000000000.
Spot ExponentSets the spot exponent. Range is between 0.00001 and 1000.
Aperture XSets the X-axis aperture for the <Light>. Range is between 0 and 180.
Aperture YSets the Y-axis aperture for the <Light>. Range is between 0 and 180.
Shape: PointSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Shape: LineSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Shape: RectangleSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Shape: DiskSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Shape: SphereSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Shape: HemisphereSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Shape: HemisphereInwardSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Cylinder: HemisphereInwardSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Ring: HemisphereInwardSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Mesh: HemisphereInwardSets the light to be a point light. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Primary SizeSets the primary size value for the <Light>. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Secondary SizeSets the secondary size value for the <Light>. This value is a flag for shaders and has no effect without a compatible shader.
Shadow Map Near ZSets the near z clipping value for the <Light>.
Shadow Map Far ZSets the far z clipping value for the <Light>.
LocalSets the light to only affect any children of the same parent.
OnThis option turns the <Light> on/off like a light switch.
GlobalThis option determines if the <Light> is global, which means that it affects all geometry regardless of its location in the scene.
ShadowsThis option determines if the <Light> casts shadows.
DynamicThis option determines if the <Light> is dynamic. In Simdify applications, all <Light> nodes are dynamic regardless, but this flag may be important for runtime applications.

<Node> Properties

Properties are as follows:

Property Documentation
NameSets orthe name of the node. Do not use / or \ [forward slash and backslash] in the node name as this produces conflicts with resolving link nodes that reference external files.
ClassSets the class of the node.
IDSets the ID of the node. This must be unique for each document, but different documents can use the same ID.
Export DisabledDetermines whether or not the node is exported during an export process, or possibly other purposes. This flag is set to No and current Simdify exporters ignore it (but it can be very useful if you need to modify the exporters).
GuidEnumerates the Node's GUID.