Accessing Script Directories

You need the following Simdify® modules to complete this exercise: Simdify® Free Edition

In this exercise you'll learn how to access Simdify Scripting Language script directories. There are two main directories: application scripts, and user scripts. Generally speaking you'll want to create new scripts of your own in the user scripts directory.

Start The Layout application

  1. Start the Layout app. (Start » Programs » Scenomics » Layout) or (Windows® key and then type 'Layout' to find the app icon.)

    The application displays a splash screen and then the application desktop appears.

    This is a picture of the desktop.

Access Application Scripts Directory

  1. Examine the main menu and select File » Open Application Directories.

    The software presents a menu that contains links to the most frequently used application data directories. Your menu won't look exactly like this, but you should see a directory located a few items down that ends with scripts. This is the application scripts directory.

    This is a picture of the application data directories popup menu.
  2. Left click the option to open the application scripts directory.

    This displays the application scripts directory.

    This is a picture of the application scripts folder.
  3. Close the Explorer® window when you are finished.

Access User Scripts Directory

  1. Examine the main menu and select File » Open Application Directories.

    The software presents a menu that contains links to the most frequently used application data directories. Your menu won't look exactly like this, but you should see a directory located toward the bottom that ends with scripts. This is the application scripts directory.

    This is a picture of the application data directories popup menu.
  2. Left click the option to open the application scripts directory.

    This displays the application scripts directory. Your folder won't look exactly like the folder below, but you will definitely see most of the same content.

    This is a picture of the user scripts folder.
  3. Close the Explorer® window when you are finished.

    This exercise is complete. Return to tutorials.