Create Basic Video Shader

You need the following Simdify® modules to complete this exercise: Simdify® Free Edition, Simdify® Video Module

In this exercise you'll learn to create a document that modifies a video stream. At the end, you will have a fragment shader that converts the video stream Y values to gray scale. This makes it possible to use only the intensity values instead of writing shaders that have to work in RGBA colorspace. This exercise requires your GPU to support GLSL version 300 or higher.

Start The Layout Application

  1. Start the Layout app. (Start > Programs > Scenomics > Layout) or (Windows® key and then type 'Layout' to find the app icon.)

    The application displays a splash screen and then the application desktop appears. The main menu is composed of three items that contain commands relevant to the current context (which is an empty document). The interface changes when you create a new file or load a file from disk.

    This is a picture of the desktop.

Create New Document

  1. Select File > New > Shader from the main menu.

    The software displays a wizard that allows you to specify the parameters of your new shader. The Profile shown below is 460 core, but you will see the highest GLSL version available on your machine. The Add Compute Support option will not be available if you do not have Simdify Compute Module installed. It doesn't matter for this exercise.

    This is a picture of the new project dialog.
  2. Set the field Name to User Video.

    Copy Text To Clipboard

    User Video
  3. Set Profile to the highest value available such as 460 core.
  4. Set Add Video Support to true.

    For now, we won't worry about the Video Pixel Format setting. Most devices should support YUV420P.

  5. Hit ENTER or click OK when you are finished.

    The application creates a new shader document and the main menu options change. You can see the hierarchy on the left, the rendered shader with geometry in the middle, and the property sheet on the right. Shader compiler error messages are shown in the output window below.

    This is a picture of the workspace.

    If the shader compiled successfully, you should see an image of a road in the center of the worksheet, as shown above.

  6. Select File > Save from the main menu.

Examine The New Document

  1. Select Desktop > Clear Output from the main menu.
  2. Examine the main menu and select Graph > State > Expand All Tree Items. ( Or hit ALT + X ).

    This expands the graph so that you can see all the nodes. As you can see, this shader is a composite data structure made from a set of atomic types.

    NOTE: You can hover over each node icon, in the image below, for a description of the node and its function.

    That covers the basic information about the graph.

  3. In the running Layout app, move the mouse over the <Program> node named Program.

    Notice that you can see the GLSL version, profile, and source code locations. Many nodes, but not all of them, display useful information if you hover over them.

    This is a picture of the Program node info tip.

Play The Video

  1. Examine the hierarchy and right click over the <VideoControlNode> node named Playback Controls. This is a picture of the VideoControlNode.
  2. Choose Play/Pause from the listed options.

    Look at the geometry on the worksheet to see the video play. The fragment shader converts the video from YUV to RGB during playback. Accordingly, we can conclude that this video is already being processed the GPU, although it's not doing anything particularly interesting yet.

    This is a picture of the video playing.

Copy The Fragment Shader Path

  1. Examine the hierarchy and right click over the <Program> node named Program. This is a picture of the Program.
  2. Choose Copy Source Path > Fragment Shader from the listed options.

    This displays a dialog that allows you to select GLSL shader source code (and any include files). The file path of the source item you select will be copied to the Windows® clipboard so you can open it in a text editor. The contents of the following dialog may change depending on the GLSL version available on your machine, as well as the presence or absence of other OpenGL® features. However, the last file should be exactly the same.

    This is a picture of the source code used by the <Program> node fragment shader.
  3. Select user_video_fragment_shader.glsl and click OK or hit ENTER when you are finished.

    This copies the absolute path to the fragment shader source code to the Windows® clipboard. For example, a file path like the following: D:\Release6\Content\Library\Shader\User Video\460\user_video_fragment_shader.glsl is copied to the clipboard.

Modify Fragment Shader

  1. Start a text editor of your choice and select the option to open a file from disk.
  2. Select CTRL + V to paste the fragment shader file path (into the place in the dialog where you specify the file to open) and open the file.

    This is the fragment shader. Note that your #version 460 declaration might be different, depending on the highest GLSL version on your machine.

    // #version 460
    // The version number is automatically injected by the application.
    // It is included above for reference purposes only.
    #ifdef GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted
       #extension GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted : enable
    #include <SPA_Version.glsl>
    #include <SPA_Constants.glsl>
    #include <Modules/SPA_EditStateFragmentColorOverride.glsl>
    #include <SPA_Video.glsl>
    #include "user_video_attributes.glsl"
    #ifndef GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted
       uniform usampler2D src_video;
       uniform uimage2D src_video;
    in Data { vertexData attributes; } DataIn;
    out vec4 fragColor;
    void main(void)
       ivec2 luma_coord;
       ivec2 u_coord;
       ivec2 v_coord;
       SPA_VideoGetYuvCoords( src_video, DataIn.attributes.texcoord, luma_coord, u_coord, v_coord );
       uvec3 src_color = SPA_VideoSamplePixel( src_video, luma_coord, u_coord, v_coord );
       vec4 diffuse = vec4( SPA_VideoPixelToRGB( src_color ), 1.0 );
       fragColor = diffuse;
       SPA_EditStateFragmentColorOverride( fragColor );
  3. Replace the entire fragment shader body with the following code:

    Copy Text To Clipboard

    void main(void)
       ivec2 luma_coord;
       ivec2 u_coord;
       ivec2 v_coord;
       SPA_VideoGetYuvCoords( src_video, DataIn.attributes.texcoord, luma_coord, u_coord, v_coord );
       uvec3 src_color = SPA_VideoSamplePixel( src_video, luma_coord, u_coord, v_coord );
       uint intensity_scaled = ( src_color.x - SPA_Video.color_range.x ) * uint( 255 ) /
          ( SPA_Video.color_range.y - SPA_Video.color_range.x );
       fragColor = vec4( intensity_scaled ) / 255.0;
       SPA_EditStateFragmentColorOverride( fragColor );
  4. Save the fragment shader in your text editor.

Examine The Document

  1. Return to the running Layout application.

    The shader now displays the correctly quantized intensity values. In other words, you're seeing the Y-component of the video on the screen.

    This is a picture of the shader rendering the Y-component of the video.
  2. Hit ALT + 4 to hide the docking windows

    This makes it easier to see the results. The Y-component quantization is working correctly.

    This is a picture of the desktop.
  3. Hit ALT + 4 to show the docking windows again.

Explore '@0 SPA_Video.pixel_format'

  1. Examine the hierarchy and find the <UniformPaletteNode> named Uniforms.

    Inside you'll notice a <StructInstanceNode> named uniform SPA_VideoParams SPA_Video. This represents an instance of a struct, and it contains all struct members.

    This is a picture of the graph.

    You'll notice that it's declared as a uniform, which means that the software is going to set this object's members and values as uniforms (also known as shader constants). It's important to know how to make changes to <StructInstanceNode> objects, and it's also important to know when you can't make changes (and why).

    Here's the struct as declared in the GLSL source code.

    struct SPA_VideoParams
       int pixel_format;
       ivec4 frame_size;
       // For plane_layout:
       // xy is the plane offset in pixels.
       // zw is the size of the plane in pixels.
       ivec4 plane_layout[4];
       mat3 color_matrix;
       ivec4 color_range;
       vec3 mesh_min;
       vec3 mesh_max;
       ivec2 aspect_ratio;
       vec4 background_color;
    uniform SPA_VideoParams SPA_Video;
  2. Examine the hierarchy and double click the <StructInstanceNode> named uniform SPA_VideoParams SPA_Video.

    This displays node properties in the property editor.

  3. Scroll down until you find the property group named Data Member Properties.

    (We've highlighted the correct property heading in the image below. Your property heading won't be highlighted. You also might not see the same properties right away, but we'll select the correct properties next.)

    This is a picture of the property editor.
  4. Find the property field named Data Member.

    Note that this property field has two columns.

  5. Left click the right column and select @0 SPA_Video.pixel_format from the listed options.

    It might take the property sheet a moment to update.

    This <StructInstanceNode> contains a <TextureDataCaptureRenderFormat> object. You can see two properties in the property group: Container Node and Data Source Node. The Container Node property shows that the <TextureDataCaptureRenderFormat> object is contained by uniform SPA_VideoParams SPA_Video. In other words, it's contained by the node whose properties we're examining. The Data Source Node property shows that the <TextureDataCaptureRenderFormat> object is capturing data from the <Texture> named src_video. If needed, you can edit the Container Node and Data Source Node values here, but that isn't recommended unless you have set up the capture yourself, or if you understand exactly how the capture is supposed to work.

    Finally, at the end of the property sheet, you can see the property group named Edit Int32 Member. This displays the integer value (representing a pixel format) captured from the Data Source Node named src_video. The value 49 corresponds to the enumerated constant IPF_YUV420, which can be found in TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder (which is accessible from the main menu if you are curious.)

    This is a picture of the property editor.

    It's important to know that you can't edit the value 49 here because that value is being set by The <TextureDataCaptureRenderFormat> object. In fact, you won't be able to edit any of the data members of this struct because all the members of this struct are capturing data. However, you can see all the values, which is essential if you're writing or debugging shader code.

Explore '@1 SPA_Video.frame_size'

  1. Examine the property sheet and find the property field named Data Member.

    Note that this property field has two columns.

  2. Left click the right column and select @1 SPA_Video.frame_size from the listed options.

    It might take the property sheet a moment to update.

    This <StructInstanceNode> contains an <Int32VectorDataCapturePackage> object. This object is designed to hold <DataCapture> objects that let you set the value for each scalar in an <Int32Vector>. This allows you to 'pack' a vector of integers (or floats or doubles) with values.

    Indeed if you look at the end of the property sheet and find the property group named Edit Int32Vector Member, you can see that all four components of the vector have been set to various values related to the size of the video frame. For example: the property field int32[0], which represents the x component of the vector has a value of 1920. This is the width of the video frame. The property field int32[1], which represents the y component of the vector has a value of 1080. This is the height of the video frame. Finally, the last two components store the dimensions of the video frame in terms of the dimensions of the underlying image planes. This strategy allows you to efficiently pack uniforms.

    This is a picture of the property editor.
  3. Examine the property sheet and find the property field named Data Member Sub-Objects.

    Note that this property field has two columns.

  4. Left click the right column and select [1] TextureDataCaptureWidth from the listed options.

    It might take the property sheet a moment to update.

    Here you can see the individual TextureDataCaptureWidth object that sets the x component of the vector to the width of the video frame.

    This is a picture of the property editor.

    This review should give you enough familiarity to use these values as needed when writing shaders for video processing. You can also customize this system in almost unimaginable ways, but that is beyond the scope of this section.