You need the following products to complete this exercise: Simdify® Free Edition
This section describes the common elements of Simdify design applications.
This is Module, the main shader design authoring tool in Simdify platform. All Simdify design applications use the following interface components. Once you learn the patterns in one design application, you'll know how the same interface elements work in all Simdify design applications.
For the most part, its interface is pretty simple. It's a standard Windows® desktop applications composed of a main menu, hierarchy editor, worksheet with an OpenGL viewport, property editor, and console. You can rearrange these items if you wish, but years of experience have shown us that this is the most convenient layout for most users. Note that you can always hit ALT + 4 to show and hide all the docking windows. You can also select Desktop > Toggle Panels to do the same thing. This will give you an almost full-screen view of the rendered window.
The main menu is a standard menu as found in nearly all modern desktop software applications. You can select various options and commands here.
The hierarchy editor displays the contents of your document. All Simdify documents are composed of nodes that you create and edit to suit the needs of whatever you're working on. Sometimes you'll customize the arrangement of data in the hierarchy to completely suit your needs, but most of the time you'll only need to make minor changes. You can double-click any node to see its properties in the property editor.
When using the Module and Layout applications, the worksheet displays the final results of whatever you're designing. Sometimes this will be rendered output, but it also might be a colored square if you're implementing compute shaders that don't necessarily generate a visual result. In the Outline and Shell applications, you won't use the worksheet at all.
The property sheet displays node properties. You can double click a node in the hierarchy to edit its properties.
The output window displays status information. For example: if there are shader compiler errors, or commands that generate output messages.
That's the basics at least, and actually there isn't a lot more. You use the main menu to control the application. Nodes are created in the hierarchy and edited in the property sheet. You can view results in the worksheet and status messages in the output window.