Release details are described below.
Separated all primitive type <Math> data interfaces into separated data interfaces by type. The <Math> data interfaces are still present, but have been deprecated and will be removed in the future. All Simdify Scripting Language code now uses the new data interfaces. Updating existing script code should be very easy.
Library | Description |
Uint8Math | Contains math functions for uint8. |
Uint16Math | Contains math functions for uint16. |
Uint32Math | Contains math functions for uint32. |
Uint64Math | Contains math functions for uint64. |
Int8Math | Contains math functions for int8. |
Int16Math | Contains math functions for int16. |
Int32Math | Contains math functions for int32. |
Int64Math | Contains math functions for int64. |
Float32Math | Contains math functions for float32. |
Float64Math | Contains math functions for float64. |
Added a test library for float32. For example: app_service_test_float32_math_util.ssl.
Added to <Float32Algorithms> and <Float64Algorithms> data interfaces for IsInf and IsNormal. These are useful for floating point number error detection.
Added to <ClearBuffersNode> data members for controlling depth buffer writes and depth buffer tests. Previously these options were only available in the <Material> node. These new data members can be controlled from the <ClearBuffersNode> property sheet and data interfaces.
Significant performance optimizations in <Node>::IsInScopeOf( ... ).