Color565 Data Member Function

Constructs a <Color565> object with the specified red, green, blue, and alpha values.


Color565 Color565( int32 p_iR, int32 p_iG, int32 p_iB, int32 p_iA )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32p_iRAn <int32> representing the red value of the color. Must be 0-255.
int32p_iGAn <int32> representing the green value of the color. Must be 0-255.
int32p_iBAn <int32> representing the blue value of the color. Must be 0-255.
int32p_iAAn <int32> representing the alpha value of the color. Must be 0-255.


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auto Color565 a_oValue = new Color565( 255, 128, 64, 255 ); // = 'new Color565(' indicates the start of the constructor.