GetPackedObjects Data Member Function

Populates a <List> with all <DataCapture> objects stored by a particular <DataCapture> package. For example: a <VectorDataCapturePackage> object ( which is a subclass of <DataCapture> ) may contain up to four <Float32DataCapture> objects, and a <MatrixDataCapturePackage> may contain up to four <VectorDataCapturePackage> objects, each of which can contain up to four <Float32DataCapture> objects. This function populates the <List> with all <DataCapture> objects in the package or set of packages.


int32 GetPackedObjects( List p_lDataCaptureObjects )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<List>p_lDataCaptureObjectsThe <List> you wish to populate with <DataCapture> objects.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Scenome Scripting Language code base.