GetViewFromObject Data Member Function

Copies <DataCapture> dimension information into the <MemberView> object parameter. For example, <LightDataCaptureNearX> is a <Float32DataCapture> object. The resulting <MemberView> object will return 1 and 1 for its rows and columns when queried. Similarly, a <LightDataCapturePosition> is a <Float32VectorDataCapture< object. The resulting <MemberView> object will return 1 and 1 for its rows and columns when queried. <Float32MatrixDataCapture> objects might return row and column counts such as 3 and 3 or 4 and 4.


int32 GetViewFromObject( MemberView p_oMemberView )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<MemberView>p_oMemberViewThe <MemberView> object into which you wish to copy dimension information.


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