<DocumentInfo> Data Interface

Returns a pointer to the documents <DocumentInfo> object.

Class HierarchyType » Node » DocumentInfo

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<Guid>GetProjectGuidReturns a pointer to the <Guid> object that stores this document's project ID guid. This is used by the Windows® exporter, and does not need to be edited manually.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
stringAuthorThe name of the author, if applicable.
stringCompanyThe name of the company, if applicable.
stringShellFolderThe name of the folder containing the .Simdifyapp file that should be used to open this document when it is double-clicked from a Windows folder or shell executed in some other way. This must be a sub-folder in \APPLICATIONS. For example: this value could be \APPLICATIONS\SHADER.
stringShellNameThe name of the .Simdifyapp file that should be used to open this document when it is double-clicked from a Windows folder or shell executed in some other way. For example: this value could be v1_Shader.scenomeapp.