<Float32Iterator> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » MemoryPointer » TypedIterator » Float32Iterator

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<Float32Iterator>Float32IteratorThe constructor, which is used to initialize this object to represent an iterator that points at a single, primitive value.
<Float32Array>CastFloat32ArrayReturns a pointer to a <Float32Array> object if and only if this iterator was originally bound to a <Float32Array> object.
<Float32Matrix>CastFloat32MatrixReturns a pointer to a <Float32Matrix> object if and only if this iterator was originally bound to a <Float32Matrix> object.
<Float32MatrixArray>CastFloat32MatrixArrayReturns a pointer to a <Float32MatrixArray> object if and only if this iterator was originally bound to a <Float32MatrixArray> object.
<Float32Vector>CastFloat32VectorReturns a pointer to a <Float32Vector> object if and only if this iterator was originally bound to a <Float32Vector> object.
<Float32VectorArray>CastFloat32VectorArrayReturns a pointer to a <Float32VectorArray> object if and only if this iterator was originally bound to a <Float32VectorArray> object.
<Image>CastImageReturns a pointer to an <Image> object if and only if this iterator was originally bound to an <Image> object.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
doubleDataSets or gets the primitive value stored by this object, or zero if this object has not been initialized with a scalar value.
doubleValueReturns the value at the iterator's current position.