<Float64Vector> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyNo registered superclass.

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<Float64Vector>Float64VectorConstructs a <Float64Vector> object with the specified X, Y, Z, and W values.
int32AddAdds the vector 'A' to this vector.
int32AddScaledScales the vector 'A' by 'Scale', then adds the result to this vector.
int32AssignAssigns the components from the vector 'Other' to 'this'.
int32BindIteratorsBinds iterators to this object.
int32BindPointerBinds a <MemoryPointer> or subclass to this object. The <MemoryPointer> becomes a pointer to this object that can be passed to compatible functions.
int32BlendInterpolates this vector and 'End', using 1.0 - 'Alpha' and 'Alpha' as the blending weights.
int32BlendABInterpolates the vectors 'Start' and 'End', using 'AlphaA' and 1.0 - 'AlphaA' as the blending weights, respectively.
int32BlendABCThis option is undocumented at present.
int32CrossComputes the cross product between 'A' and 'B', and stores the result in this vector.
doubleDistanceToLineCalculates the distance from 'this' to a line which passes through two vectors 'A' and 'B'.
doubleDotReturns the dot product of this vector and the vector 'A'.
int32ElementSizeReturns the size of the component of the vector, which is sizeof( double ), or 8 bytes.
int32FillFills the vector with the specified value.
<Float64Iterator>FirstReturns an iterator positioned at the start of the collection.
doubleGetComponentReturns the vector component value at the specified index.
doubleGetDistanceReturns the distance between this vector and the vector 'End'.
doubleGetDistanceXYReturns the distance between this vector and the vector 'End'.
<Float64Pointer>GetPointerReturns a pointer to this object. The pointer object is allocated with new so you must use auto in the declaration or you must manually delete the pointer object. For example: auto Float64Pointer ptr = object.GetPointer().
<Float64ArrayView>GetViewReturns a <Float64ArrayView> that contains first and last iterators for the collection.
<Float64Iterator>LastReturns an iterator positioned at the end of the collection.
doubleLengthXYReturns the 2-dimensional (x, y) length of the vector.
doubleMaximizeSelects the maximum values for each component of 'this' and the vector 'A', and assigns the values to 'this'.
doubleMinimizeSelects the minimum values for each component of 'this' and the vector 'A', and assigns the values to 'this'.
int32MultiplyMultiplies this vector with the vector 'A'.
doubleNormalizeScales the vector, placing it on the unit sphere.
stringPrintReturns a string containing the values of the vector.
int32ProjectOntoProjects this vector onto the vector 'ProjectOnto'.
int32ScaleScales this vector with the scalar value 'Scale'.
int32SetSets the X, Y, Z, and W components of the vector.
int32SetComponentSets the vector component at the specified index.
int32SetDistanceMoves the vector a specified distance from the vector 'End'.
int32SizeInBytesReturns the size in bytes of the <Float64Vector>, which is 4 * <float64>, or 32 bytes.
int32SubtractSubtracts the vector 'A' from this vector.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<Float64Vector>ValueReturns the value of this object's underlying <Float64Vector> object. For example: to assign the value of this object to another <Float64Vector> object using the syntax 'vec4A.Value = vec4B.Value'.
doubleLengthGets or sets the length of this vector, which is the distance from this vector to the origin.
doubleWGets or sets the W component of the vector.
doubleXGets or sets the X component of the vector.
doubleYGets or sets the Y component of the vector.
doubleZGets or sets the Z component of the vector.