<GdalImageInfo> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » GdalImageInfo

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32DumpElevationInfoPopulates a <Float64Array> object with meta-data about the elevation data set this object represents. The output values are as follows: minimum longitude, minimum latitude, maximum longitude, maximum latitude, minimum elevation, maximum elevation, pixel units x, and pixel units Y.
int32DumpRasterInfoPopulates an <Int32Array> object with meta-data about the raster data set this object represents. The output values are as follows: total raster dimensions in x pixels, total raster dimensions in y pixels, chunk dimension in x pixels, chunk dimension in y pixels, the number of chunks on x, the number of chunks on y, size of each block pixel in bytes, block item count in pixel elements, and the block offset in bytes.
int32GetChunkCountXReturns the chunk count along x. This is the number of individual chunks along the X axis of which the GEOTIFF is composed.
int32GetChunkCountYReturns the chunk count along y. This is the number of individual chunks along the Y axis of which the GEOTIFF is composed.
int32GetChunkDimXReturns the chunk dimension along x in pixels.
int32GetChunkDimYReturns the chunk dimension along y in pixels.
int32GetChunkItemCountReturns the total number of pixel elements in each chunk.
int32GetChunkItemSizeReturns the atomic size of the element of each chunk in bytes. For example: 4 if the GEOTIFF stores 32-bit floating point elevation data.
int32GetChunkOffsetInBytesReturns the offset of the chunk in bytes.
doubleGetElevationRangeReturns maximum elevation - minimum elevation (which is in meters).
doubleGetMaxElevationReturns the maximum elevation in meters.
doubleGetMaxLatitudeReturns the maximum latitude. Typically this value is in degrees such as 45.25. This value can be negative.
doubleGetMaxLongitudeReturns the maximum longitude. Typically this value is in degrees such as 122.5. This value can be negative.
doubleGetMinElevationReturns the minimum elevation in meters.
doubleGetMinLatitudeReturns the minimum latitude. Typically this value is in degrees such as 45.25. This value can be negative.
doubleGetMinLongitudeReturns the minimum longitude. Typically this value is in degrees such as 122.5. This value can be negative.
int32GetRasterSizeXReturns the value in pixels of the total raster size on x. This is the sum of the dimensions of each chunk along x.
int32GetRasterSizeYReturns the value in pixels of the total raster size on y. This is the sum of the dimensions of each chunk along y.
doubleGetSpacingXReturns the distance in meters between elevation points along x. For example a 1/3 arc-second GEOTIFF returns roughly 10 for 10 meter spacing.
doubleGetSpacingYReturns the distance in meters between elevation points along y. For example a 1/3 arc-second GEOTIFF returns roughly 10 for 10 meter spacing.