<Image> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Image

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<Image>ImageThe constructor.
int32AcquireMoves the memory from the source <Image> to the destination <Image> and copies all the source <Image> object's parameters onto the destination <Image> object. The source <Image> object is left empty ( owning no memory whatsoever ) and all its data members are reset to zero / constructor defaults. Does not destroy the source <Image> object.
int32AllocateBufferAllocates sufficient storage for the <Image> given its width, height, and pixel format.
int32AllocateFromImageAllocates the underlying buffer to match the <Image> object passed in to this function.
int32BindIteratorsBinds iterators to this object.
int32BindPointerBinds a <MemoryPointer> or subclass to this object. The <MemoryPointer> becomes a pointer to this object that can be passed to compatible functions.
int32BitBltCopies a rectangular region from the source <Image> to a same-sized rectangular region of this <Image> object.
int32CastPixelFormatReturns a non-zero value if it succeeds, or a zero if it fails.
int32ClearFrees all <Image> memory and resets the image size to 0x0x0. Does not destroy the <Image> object that calls this function.
int32CopyRectCopies a rectangular region from a source <Image> object into this <Image> object. This function uses the <Image> object's BitBlt function.
int32CreateMaskProvided for compatibility purposes only. Prefer functions from SlopeAlgorithms.
int32GetBitsPerPixelReturns the number of bits per pixel in this <Image> object.
int32GetBytesPerLineReturns the stride, in bytes, of a line of image data.
int32GetBytesPerPixelReturns the number of bytes per pixel in this <Image> object.
int32GetChannelCountReturns the number of 8-bit channels in this <Image> object, which is the same as the number of bytes per pixel.
int32GetColorReturns a <Color> object containing the RGBA color at the specified pixel.
int32GetElementCountReturns the number of pixels multiplied by the number of primitives per pixel. Use this to compute the number of elements required to allocate an array capable of storing all the data in the <Image> object.
<Float16ArrayView>GetFloat16ViewReturns a pointer to a <Float16ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Image> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Float16ArrayView view = image.GetFloat16View();
<Float32ArrayView>GetFloat32ViewReturns a pointer to a <Float32ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Image> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Float32ArrayView view = image.GetFloat32View();
int32GetFullPlanarHeightReturns the full planar width for <Image> object's that use a video pixel format such as IPF_YUV430P, IPF_NV12, or IPF_YUYV. This value might be greater than the width of the <Image> object.
int32GetFullPlanarWidthReturns the full planar width for <Image> object's that use a video pixel format such as IPF_YUV430P, IPF_NV12, or IPF_YUYV. This value might be greater than the height of the <Image> object.
int32GetHeightExponentReturns the power required to raise a value of 2 to this <Image> object's height. For example, if this <Image> object is 1024 pixels high, this function returns 10 because 2^10 = 1024.
<Int16ArrayView>GetInt16ViewReturns a pointer to an <Int16ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Image> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Int16ArrayView view = image.GetInt16View();
<Int32ArrayView>GetInt32ViewReturns a pointer to an <Int32ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Image> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Int32ArrayView view = image.GetInt32View();
<Int8ArrayView>GetInt8ViewReturns a pointer to an <Int8ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Image> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Int8ArrayView view = image.GetInt8View();
int32GetMinMaxPopulates a <Float64Array> with the minimum and maximum values in the <Image> object's underlying data.
int32GetPixelSets the <Color> object submitted to this function to the color value of a pixel in this <Image>.
int32GetPixelCountReturns the number of pixels in the <Image> object, which is the multiple of its length and width values.
int32GetPlaneHeightReturns the height of the image plane at the specified index.
int32GetPlaneInfoPacks an <Int32VectorArray> with the image plane offset x, offset y, width, and height, using a separate <Int32Vector> in the array for each image plane.
int32GetPlaneOffsetXReturns the image plane offset x at the specified index.
int32GetPlaneOffsetYReturns the image plane offset y at the specified index.
int32GetPlaneWidthReturns the width of the image plane at the specified index.
<Uint16ArrayView>GetUint16ViewReturns a pointer to a <Uint16ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Image> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Uint16ArrayView view = image.GetUint16View();
<Uint32ArrayView>GetUint32ViewReturns a pointer to a <Uint32ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Image> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Uint32ArrayView view = image.GetUint32View();
<Uint8ArrayView>GetUint8ViewReturns a pointer to a <Uint8ArrayView> object with iterators to the beginning and end of the <Image> object. This object is allocated with new so you must declare with auto. For example: auto Uint8ArrayView view = image.GetUint8View();
int32GetViewFromObjectPopulates the <SurfaceInfo> object submitted to this function with information about the <Image> object's data members, including width, height, pixel format, etc.
int32GetWidthExponentReturns the power required to raise a value of 2 to this <Image> object's width. For example, if this <Image> object is 1024 pixels wide, this function returns 10 because 2^10 = 1024.
int32GetWordsPerLineReturns the stride, in 16-bit words, of a line of image data.
int32MakePixelFormat8ASets this <Image> object's pixel format to IPF_8_A. This refers to the Image_Pixel_Format enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
int32MakePixelFormat8ISets this <Image> object's pixel format to IPF_8_I. This refers to the Image_Pixel_Format enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
int32MakePixelFormatNoneSets this <Image> object's pixel format to IPF_None. This refers to the Image_Pixel_Format enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
int32OpenFileOpens an image file from the disk and loads it into the <Image> object.
int32OpenFileHeaderOpens an image file, but only reads the header information, not the full image. Use to retrieve image dimensions and format without the expense and memory of the reading the pixels, or to simply test if the image can be loaded.
int32ResizeResizes an <Image>. If the <Image> already contains image data, that <Image> data will be scaled to the size specified by 'Width' and 'Height' and copied back to the <Image>. Prefer <ImageResampler> in most cases.
int32SameDimensionsReturns true if this <Image> object is the same as the source <Image> object.
int32SamePixelFormatReturns true if this <Image> has the same pixel format as the source <Image> object.
int32SaveFileSaves an <Image> object to disk using the specified file.
int32SetImageInitializes an <Image> to the dimensions specified by 'Width' and 'Height' and the pixel format specified by 'PixelFormat'. For improved code semantics, prefer AllocateBuffer instead.
int32SetObjectParametersFromViewConfigures the the <Image> object's data members, including width, height, pixel format, etc. with the parameters stored in the <SurfaceInfo> object submitted to this function.
int32SetPaletteTransfers ownership of a Palette object to this <Image>.
int32SetPixelSets the color value of a pixel in an <Image>.
int32SetPixelFormatChanges the pixel format of the <Image>. Existing <Image> data is converted to the new pixel format.
int32SizeInBytesReturns the size in bytes of the <Image> object.
int32StretchBltCopies a rectangular region from the source <Image> to a rectangular region of this <Image> object. The source region will be stretched or shrunk to fit the destination region with no filtering.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<Palette>PaletteReturns a pointer to the <Image> object's Palette object, or nullptr if the <Image> does not have a Palette.
int32HeightGets or sets the height of the image.
int32PixelFormatGets or sets the pixel format of the image.
int32WidthGets or sets the width of the image.