LoadFiles Data Member Function

Loads a set of .GEOTIFF files that contain visual imagery and a set of .TXT metadata files containing the bounds of the visual imagery. These text files can be generated by calling the GIS.GenerateExtentMetadataForImagery data interface.


int32 LoadFiles( StrList p_slMapFiles, StrList p_slImageFiles )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
<StrList>p_slMapFilesA pointer to a <StrList> containing the absolute paths to the .TXT metadata files that contain the bounds of the visual imagery in easting/northing coordinates.
<StrList>p_slImageFilesA pointer to a <StrList> containing the absolute paths to the .TIF ( or .TIFF, or whatever ) files containing the visual imagery.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Scenome Scripting Language code base.