<ImageOrientationHelper> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » ImageOrientationHelper

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32FlipHeightFlips an <Image> vertically.
int32FlipWidthFlips an <Image> horizontally.
int32FlipWidthHeightFlips an <Image> vertically and then horizontally.
int32RotateLeft180DegreesRotates the <Image> object 180 degrees to the left. ( Counter-clockwise )
int32RotateLeft270DegreesRotates the <Image> object 270 degrees to the left. ( Counter-clockwise )
int32RotateLeft90DegreesRotates the <Image> object 90 degrees to the left. ( Counter-clockwise )
int32RotateRight180DegreesRotates the <Image> object 180 degrees to the right. ( Clockwise )
int32RotateRight270DegreesRotates the <Image> object 270 degrees to the right. ( Clockwise )
int32RotateRight90DegreesRotates the <Image> object 90 degrees to the right. ( Clockwise )
int32TransformTransforms an <Image> object by combining a rotation operation and flip operation.