<Int32Array> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyNo registered superclass.

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
<Int32Array>Int32ArrayConstructs a new object with the specified count and value.
int32AddAdds a value to the end of the array.
int32AddHexFromStringCreates a hexadecimal value from an accelerator string such as CTRL + A.
int32AscendingInsertion sorts values added to this array.
int32BinarySearchPerforms a binary search across the entire array.
int32BinarySearchInPerforms a binary search in a sub-region of the array.
int32BindIteratorsBinds iterators to this object.
int32BindPointerBinds a <MemoryPointer> or subclass to this object. The <MemoryPointer> becomes a pointer to this object that can be passed to compatible functions.
int32ClearThis resets the array count to zero and frees all memory.
int32CombineGiven ArrayA ( this array ) and ArrayB ( not this array ), combines ArrayB with ArrayA at the specified index in ArrayA.
int32ConvertBytesToCountSets the array count to a value guaranteed to be large enough to store an array of N values. Will round up to the nearest positive <int32> if the byte count provided does not align with the number of bytes per element. For example, ints are 4 bytes each, so providing a value of 16 bytes ensures the array count is set to 4.
int32CopyCopies the value of the source array to this array.
int32DecrementAtDecrements the value at the specified index.
int32DelRemoves an item from the array at the specified index.
int32DescendingInsertion sorts values added to this array.
int32ElementSizeReturns the size in bytes of the primitive type of the array. For example: 4 is 4 bytes for int32, uint32, and <float32>.
int32FactorialReturns the value of the array values multiplied against each other. For example: 1, 2, 3, 5 = 1 * 2 * 3 * 5 = 30.
int32FillFills the array with a single value.
int32FindReturns the index of value in the array or -1 if the value cannot be found.
int32FindAnyReturns true if any of the values in the source array match any of the values in this array.
<Int32Iterator>FirstReturns an iterator positioned at the start of the collection.
int32GetReturns the value at the specified index.
int32GetCountReturns the count of the underlying array object.
int32GetFirstReturns the first value in the array.
int32GetLastReturns the last value in the array.
<Int32Pointer>GetPointerReturns a pointer to this object. The pointer object is allocated with new so you must use auto in the declaration or you must manually delete the pointer object. For example: auto Int32Pointer ptr = object.GetPointer().
<Int32ArrayView>GetViewReturns an <Int32ArrayView> that contains first and last iterators for the collection.
int32InReturns true if the array contains the specified value.
int32IncrementAtIncrements the value at the specified index.
int32InsertInserts a value into the array. May incur re-allocation costs depending on the size of any allocated reserve.
int32IsEmptyReturns true if the array count is zero.
<Int32Iterator>LastReturns an iterator positioned at the end of the collection.
int32MergeAdds a value to the end if the value is not already in the array.
int32MoveRelocates a chunk of the array to a new index.
int32PopPops the first item off the top of the stack.
int32Print1DPrints the array in 1D into a <StrList> object.
int32Print2DPrints the array in 2D into a <StrList> object.
int32PushPushes an item onto the stack ( at the end ).
int32RelocateRelocates a chunk of the array to a new index.
int32RemoveFirstRemoves the first item from the array. Internally performs work using a call to memmove.
int32RemoveLastRemoves the last item from the array. Internally performs work using a call to memmove.
int32SetSets the value of the item at the specified index.
int32SetCountSets the count of the array.
int32SetViewInternal use only.
int32ShrinkShrinks the array to a sub-range.
int32SizeInBytesReturns the size in bytes of the array, which is the total number of bytes currently being used by the array, and does not include any allocated reserve.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<Int32Array>ValueReturns the value of this object's underlying array. For example: to assign the value of this object to another array using array_a.Value = array_b.Value.
int32CountGets or sets the number of values in the array. Setting the count to zero frees all the memory owned by the array, but does not destroy the array object.
int32[]Objects[ index ]Gets or sets the value of an element in the array at the specified index. The syntax is array.Objects[ n ], where n is a valid index into the array.
int32ReserveGets or sets the reserve allocation. Note: this does not change the array count, it merely changes the size of the underlying buffer.