<Mesh> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node » Group » Mesh

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32EdgeCountReturns the number of edges in the <Mesh>.
int32FaceCountReturns the number of faces in the <Mesh>.
int32GetFaceExtentPopulates two <Vec> objects with the minimum and maximum extent of a face in a <Mesh>.
int32GetMaterialsPopulates a <NodeBuffer> with all the <Material> nodes stored by the <Mesh> objects <MaterialPaletteNode>, including <Material> nodes implemented by <NodeLink> nodes.
doubleGetMemoryFootprintReturns the total number of bytes required by the <Mesh>.
int32GetProgramsPopulates a <NodeBuffer> with all the <Program> nodes referenced by all the <Material> nodes in the <Mesh> object's <MaterialPaletteNode>, whether or not the <Program> nodes or <Material> nodes are implemented by <NodeLink> nodes.
int32GetResourcesPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with all the Textures, <VariableNode> objects, and <Program> nodes to which any <Material> node in the <Mesh> object's <MaterialPaletteNode> is connected.
int32GetTexturesPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with the <Texture> nodes to which the <Material> node in the <Mesh> object's <MaterialPaletteNode> is connected.
int32GetUniformsPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with the <VariableNode> objects to which the any <Material> node in the <Mesh> object's <MaterialPaletteNode> is connected.
int32GetVertexMaxReturns the maximum extent of the <Mesh>.
int32GetVertexMinReturns the minimum extent of the <Mesh>.
int32MergePaletteMerges the palette of p_oSourceNode with a <Mesh>. The p_oSourceNode object must be either be derived from Path or <Mesh>, or be a <NodeLink> pointing at a Path or <Mesh>, or this function will fail. If Database is a valid <EditModel3D> object, or the <Mesh> is connected to a valid <EditModel3D> object, an editing action will be used to combine the palettes. Otherwise the palettes will be combined directly and the result cannot be undone by the user.
int32VertexCountReturns the number of vertices in the <Mesh>.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
int32DisplayEdgesGets or sets whether or not the <Mesh> renders edges.
int32DisplayFaceNormalsGets or sets whether or not the <Mesh> renders face normals.
int32DisplayHiddenEdgesGets or sets whether or not the <Mesh> renders hidden edges.
int32DisplayVertexNormalsGets or sets whether or not the <Mesh> renders vertex normals.
int32DisplayVerticesGets or sets whether or not the <Mesh> renders vertices.
<Group>MaterialsGets or sets a <Mesh> node's palette group.
<Node>MaterialsLinkGets or sets the <NodeLink> pointing at the <Mesh> node's palette group.
<Group>PaletteGroupGets or sets a <Mesh> node object's palette <Group>.
<Node>PaletteLinkGets or sets the <NodeLink> pointing at the <Mesh> node object's palette <Group>.
<Node>RenderHookGets or sets the <Mesh> node object's RenderHook parameter. The render hook executes after the <Material> activates its state, and supports initializing additional render state such as shader constants.
<Node>RenderHookLinkGets or sets the <Mesh> node object's RenderHookLink parameter. This allows accessing or assigning a <NodeLink> for the render hook.