<ModelView> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyNo registered superclass.

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AreProgramsEnabledTest whether <Program> objects are enabled in the rendering device used by the worksheet.
int32ClearRenderVisualizerClears the active RenderVisualizer set in the worksheet.
int32GetGridDrawModeReturns the current grid draw/render mode.
<Vec>GetOrientationReturns a pointer to the <Vec> object that stores the <ModelView> orientation.
<Vec>GetPositionReturns a pointer to the <Vec> object that stores the <ModelView> position.
int32GetProjectionReturns the projection of the active worksheet.
<RenderVisualizer>GetRenderVisualizerReturns a pointer to the RendeVisualizer set in the worksheet.
int32GetViewHeightReturns the worksheet's height in pixels.
int32GetViewWidthReturns the worksheet's width in pixels.
int32InverseTransformVecTransforms a vector using the inverse camera transform of the worksheet.
int32IsFilledTests whether or not the worksheet's rendering mode is filled.
int32IsSolidTests whether or not the worksheet's rendering mode is solid.
int32IsTexturedTests whether or not the worksheet's rendering mode is textured.
int32IsWireframeTests whether or not the worksheet's rendering mode is wireframe.
int32LockLock the worksheet from being updated. Use this function if you want to perform a series of operations on the worksheet without the chance that it will be updated while the operations are in progress.
<Model3D>ModelReturns a pointer to the Model to which the worksheet is attached.
int32ReleaseUnlocks the worksheet and allow updates. Use this function in conjunction with Lock to perform a series of operations on the worksheet without the chance that the worksheet may be updated while the operations are in progress.
int32RenderFilledSets the rendering mode to filled.
int32RenderProgramsEnabledEnables or disables <Program> objects in the rendering device used by the worksheet.
int32RenderSolidSets the rendering mode to solid.
int32RenderTexturedSets the rendering mode to texture-mapped.
int32RenderWireframeSets the rendering mode to wireframe.
int32SetFrontSets the worksheet projection to Front.
int32SetGridOverlaySets the grid draw mode to Overlay.
int32SetGridUnderlaySets the grid draw mode to Underlay.
int32SetGridZBufferSets the grid draw mode to ZBuffer.
int32SetPerspectiveSets the worksheet projection to Perspective.
int32SetRenderVisualizerSets a new render visualizer in the worksheet.
int32SetSideSets the worksheet projection to Side.
int32SetTopSets the worksheet projection to Top.
int32UpdateUpdates the worksheet.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<Color>ActiveViewColorGets or sets the color used to indicate the active model view. This color is drawn as a line surrounding the worksheet.
<Color>BottomColorGets or sets the bottom background color used by the worksheet. The worksheet supports a 3 color gradient background color: top, middle and bottom.
<Color>BoundingBoxColorGets or sets the rendered bounding box color used by the worksheet.
<Color>DrawingColorGets or sets the rendered line color used when a line drawing tool is active in the worksheet.
<Color>FogColorGets or sets the fog color used by the worksheet.
<Color>GridColorGets or sets the rendered minor grid line color used by the worksheet.
<Color>GridQuadrantColorGets or sets the rendered major grid line color used by the worksheet.
<Color>MiddleColorGets or sets the middle background color used by the worksheet. The worksheet supports a 3 color gradient background color: top, middle and bottom.
<Vec>OrientationReturns a pointer to a <Vec> object that contains the current view orientation.
<Vec>PositionReturns a pointer to a <Vec> object that contains the current view position.
<Render3D>RenderReturns a pointer to the rendering device used to render content for a particular <ModelView>.
<Color>SelectionRectangleColorGets or sets the rendered selection rectangle color used by the worksheet.
<Color>TopColorGets or sets the top background color used by the worksheet. The worksheet supports a 3 color gradient background color: top, middle and bottom.
<Color>XAxisColorGets or sets the rendered x-axis color used by the worksheet.
<Color>YAxisColorGets or sets the rendered y-axis color used by the worksheet.
<Color>ZAxisColorGets or sets the rendered z-axis color used by the worksheet.
int32AxesToggles world origin display.
int32BackfacingGets or sets whether or not the worksheet renders backfacing faces.
int32DoubleClickToSetFocusControls whether a worksheet view is activated by single-clicking or double-clicking on it.
int32EdgesToggles <Mesh> edge display.
int32FaceNormalsToggles face normal display.
float64FarClipGets or sets the worksheet's far clipping value.
int32FogGets or sets whether or not the worksheet is rendering fog.
float64FogEndGets or sets the worksheet's FogEnd parameter.
float64FogStartGets or sets the worksheet's FogStart parameter.
int32FullBoundingBoxToggles global full/partial bounding box display.
int32GlobalEdgesToggles global <Mesh> edge display.
int32GlobalFaceNormalsToggles global face normal display.
int32GlobalHiddenEdgesToggles global hidden edge display.
int32GlobalTangentsToggles global tangent display.
int32GlobalVertexNormalsToggles global vertex normal display.
int32GlobalVerticesToggles global vertex display.
int32GridToggles global grid display.
int32HandlesToggles global handle display.
int32HiddenEdgesToggles <Mesh> hidden edge display.
int32LocalAxesToggles local axis display.
float64NearClipGets or sets the worksheet's near clipping value.
int32QuadrantSpacingGets or sets the grid quadrant spacing. Valid values are between 1 and 256, inclusive.
float64SelectionRectangleOpacityGets or sets the worksheet's selection rectangle opacity.
int32SnapToEdgesToggles snap-to-edges.
int32SnapToFacesToggles snap-to-polygons.
int32SnapToGridToggles snap-to-grid.
int32SnapToPointsToggles snap-to-points.
int32TimeChangedGets or sets a value specifying how often the worksheet should be updated, for example to perform animations. The value is in milliseconds, and can be set to 0 to stop automatic view updates.
int32VertexNormalsToggles vertex normal display.
int32VerticesToggles <Mesh> vertex display.
float64ZoomGets or sets the worksheet's zoom value.