<Node> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Node

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AddEventHandlerAdds an event handler to an existing script event handler entry.
int32AddNodeLinkSinkAdds a <NodeSink> to this <Node> object's <NodeSink> array.
int32AddScriptAdds a script event handler entry to this <Node> object's NodeFunction set object. This is the top-level event handling element, and will later contain events and event handling functions that will be executed in order of appearance.
int32AttachObserverAttaches an observer to the <Node>.
int32ChildIndexReturns the child index of this <Node> if it has a parent.
int32ClearDependenciesClears any pointer-based dependencies stored in a <Node>.
<Node>CloneCreates a deep copy of the <Node>. This expression allocates memory, so ownership of the <Node> must be transferred to the Model ( or deleted ) in order to avoid memory leaks.
<Node>CloneLinkReferencesClones a <Node> hierarchy for use in an external file. <NodeLink> nodes will be created for any dependencies which are not present in the cloned hierarchy, and the dependencies on those <Node> objects will be mapped to the newly created <NodeLink> nodes.
int32DetachObserverDetaches an observer from the <Node>.
uint64GetAddressReturns string containing this <Node> object's graph address. For example: /Root/GroupA/GroupB/NodeA
int32GetConnectedNodesPopulates a <NodeBuffer> object with all <Node> objects that this <Node> is connected to via NodeSinks.
<List>GetDependenciesThis member returns a <List> object containing the <Node> object's outgoing dependencies.
int32GetDistanceFromRootReturns the graph index of the specified <Node> relative to the specified <Group>.
int32GetEventHandlerCountReturns the number of event handlers implemented for a specific event handling script.
int32GetEventHandlerDirectionReturns the direction of an event. This refers to the SPA_eNodeEventDirection enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
stringGetEventHandlerEventReturns a string containing the registered event handler type such as SPA.OnNotify.
stringGetEventHandlerNameReturns a string containing the script function that implements the event handling behavior.
int32GetExtentReturns the geometric extent of a <Node> along X, Y, and Z.
<Guid>GetGuidReturns a pointer to the <Node> object's GUID object.
<Model3D>GetModelReturns a pointer to the Model that the <Node> is attached to, or null if the <Node> is not attached to a Model.
<Str>GetNameStringReturns a Str object that stores this <Node> object's name.
int32GetNodeLinkSinkCountReturns the count of NodeSinks stored in this <Node> object's <NodeSink> array.
stringGetNodeLinkSinkNameByIndexReturns a string containing the name of the <NodeSink> at the specified index.
<Node>GetNodeLinkSinkNodeByIndexReturns a pointer to the <Node> at the specified index, or a nullptr.
<Node>GetNodeLinkSinkNodeByNameReturns a pointer to the <Node> associated with the specified <NodeSink> name.
TypeInformationGetNodeLinkSinkTypeByIndexReturns a <TypeInformation> pointer for the <NodeSink> at the specified index.
TypeInformationGetNodeLinkSinkTypeByNameReturns a <TypeInformation> pointer for the <NodeSink> with the specified name, or nullptr.
<Node>GetParametersReturns a pointer to the <Node> object's parameters <Group>. This feature can be used to connect a <Node> object to any other <Node> object in the document, the purpose of which is largely subject to each particular document, function, or command.
<Group>GetParentReturns a <Node> object's parent.
stringGetPathToNodeReturns a string containing the path of the <Node> in the scene graph. This is referred to as the graph address. The graph address can then be used to look up the <Node>, or to specify the PathToNode for a <NodeLink> that refers to this <Node>.
int32GetRefCountReturns the ref count for the node.
<Node>GetReferenceReturns a pointer to this <Node>.
<Node>GetReferenceTypeReturns a <TypeInformation> pointer representing the type of this <Node>.
<List>GetReferencesReturns a <List> object containing pointers to the <Node> object's references. Note that this <List> is allocated with 'new' and it is your responsibility to allocate it into an automatic destruction context ( such as auto List a_lNodes ) or to manually destroy the new <List> with delete.
int32GetScriptCountReturns the count of top-level script event groups.
int32GetScriptFolderReturns the value of the script folder used to resolve the file path of a scripted event handler. This refers to the ScriptFolderResolution enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL for more information.
stringGetScriptPathReturns the path of the top-level script that contains individual event handling functions.
int32GetViewFromObjectPopulates a <MemberView> object with data and metadata about the node.
int32IsInScopeOfReturns true if the <Node> is in the same scope as the <Node> queried.
int32IsLastChildReturns true if the <Node> is the last child in its parent object's child list, and false if it is not.
int32IsNodeObserverReturns true if this <Node> object is observing the <Node> object submitted to this function.
int32IsParentTypeBinaryReturns true if the parent type matches either type submitted to this function. Subclasses constitute valid matches.
int32IsParentTypeUnaryReturns true if the parent type matches the type submitted to this function. Subclasses constitute valid matches.
int32ModelChangedThis option is undocumented at present.
int32OnNotifyThis option is undocumented at present.
<Group>ParentReturns a pointer to a <Node> object's parent, or rarely, a nullptr.
int32ReadThis option is undocumented at present.
int32RemoveEventHandlerRemoves the individual event handler at the specified index.
int32RemoveNodeLinkSinkByIndexRemoves the <NodeLink> sink at the specified index.
int32RemoveNodeLinkSinkByNameRemoves the <NodeLink> sink with the specified name.
int32RemoveScriptRemoves a top-level event handling script, which may contain a set of registered event handler types and event handler functions.
int32RenderRenders a <Node> and its children to a rendering device, using rendering state information in the rendering context defined by a <<RenderInfo>> object.
int32RenderNodeRenders a single <Node> to a rendering device, using rendering state information in the rendering context defined by a <<RenderInfo>> object. Note that this function only renders the specified <Node> it does not render child nodes.
int32SetEventHandlerDirectionSets the event handler direction. For example: Enum.NED_SendReceive(). This refers to the SPA_eNodeEventDirection enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
int32SetEventHandlerEventSets the event handler registered event name at the specified script index and at the specified event index. Must be a registered event type such as SPA.OnNotify.
int32SetEventHandlerNameSets the name of the script function that executes the event handling job.
int32SetModelSets this <Node> object's Model pointer to the Model passed in to this function.
int32SetNodeLinkSinkNameByIndexSets the name of the <NodeLink> at the specified index.
int32SetNodeLinkSinkNameByNameSets the name of the <NodeLink> at the index of the <NodeSink> with the specified name.
int32SetNodeLinkSinkNodeByIndexSets the <NodeLink> at the specified index to refer to the specified <Node>.
int32SetNodeLinkSinkNodeByNameSets the <NodeLink> with the specified name to refer to the specified <Node>.
int32SetNodeLinkSinkTypeByIndexSets the <NodeSink> type at the specified index to the specified type.
int32SetNodeLinkSinkTypeByNameSets the <NodeSink> with the specified name to the specified type.
int32SetObjectParametersFromViewSets the node's parameters using the metadata in the <ModelView> object.
int32SetParentSets a <Node> object's parent.
int32SetScriptFolderInternal use only. Legacy feature provided for compatibility purposes only.
int32SetScriptPathSets the top level script path at the specified index.
int32TraverseThis option is undocumented at present.
stringUpdateNameUpdates the <Node> object's name by calling the <Node> object's Node::UpdateName() method. Note that not all Node-derived types implement this method.
int32WriteThis option is undocumented at present.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<NodeChangeSubject>NodeChangeSubjectThis option is undocumented at present.
<NodeList>TemporariesReturns a pointer to the <Node> object's temporary object <List>. This purpose of this <List> is generally implementation-defined. For example, while rendering a document, or during command execution, one may wish to temporarily store pointers to other nodes in the document, or use the <List> object's owning pointer facility to store nodes associated with a particular computation directly in this <List>.
stringClassGets or sets the <Node> object's CLASS parameter.
int32ExportDisabledGets or sets a value specifying whether or not the <Node> should be exported by terrain generation code or export code. This value is only a recommendation, export code is not required to honor it.
stringIDGets or sets the <Node> object's ID string value.
stringNameGets or sets the name of a <Node>.
int32ScriptFolderDeprecated. Prefer the array version. GetScriptFolder and SetScriptFolder.
stringScriptPathDeprecated. Prefer the array version. GetScriptPath and SetScriptPath.