<Render3D> Data Interface

Provides script language access to C++ objects of this type.

Class HierarchyType » Render3D

Function Members

Function members are as follows:

Return Type Function Name Documentation
int32AttachColorBufferAttaches a color buffer to the specified frame buffer. The size of the color buffer must match the size of the frame buffer or this function will fail.
int32AttachDepthBufferAttaches a depth buffer to the specified frame buffer. The size of the depth buffer must match the size of the frame buffer or this function will fail.
int32ClearBuffersClears the color and/or depth buffer of the rendering device before rendering traversal.
int32CopyFrameBufferInternal use only.
int32CpuAwaitFenceCalls glClientWaitSync and inserts a fence that causes the CPU/client to wait until all commands issued to OpenGL have completed.
int32CreateColorBufferCreates a color buffer of the specified format, width and height. This color buffer can then be attached to a frame buffer using the rendering device's AttachColorBuffer function. It can also be applied to a dynamic texture handle using the rendering device's GetColorBufferTextureHandle function.
int32CreateColorDepthBufferCreates a color buffer of the specified format, width and height. This color buffer can then be attached to a frame buffer using the rendering device's AttachColorBuffer function. It can also be applied to a dynamic texture handle using the rendering device's GetColorBufferTextureHandle function.
int32CreateDepthBufferCreates a depth buffer of the specified width and height. This depth buffer can then be attached to a frame buffer using the rendering device's AttachDepthBuffer function.
int32CreateFrameBufferCreates a frame buffer of the specified width and height.
int32DeleteBufferDeletes a buffer created by the rendering device.
int32DeleteFenceCalls glDeleteFence and deletes the specified fence.
int64DeleteProgramDeletes a <Program> created by the rendering device. Note that it cannot be used to delete a <Program> node.
int32DestroyShaderBufferDeallocates the shader buffer on the GPU.
int32DestroyTextureDeallocates a texture on the GPU.
int32DestroyUniformBufferDeallocates the uniform buffer on the GPU.
int32DetachColorBufferDetaches a color buffer from the specified frame buffer.
int32DisplayBufferPreviewDisplays a frame buffer on the rendering device, in the specified viewport.
int32DisplayPreviewDisplays the current state of the rendering device in the specified viewport.
int32DisplayTexturePreviewDisplays a texture on the rendering device, in the specified viewport.
int32EnableColorBufferToggles color buffer writes in the rendering device.
int32EnableDepthBufferToggles depth buffer writes in the rendering device.
int32ExecuteMeshProgramExecutes a task/mesh/fragment program.
int32ExecuteProgramExecutes the specified <Program> node using the specified work group and local group counts. Please see OpenGL dispatch compute for more information.
int32FinishCalls glFinish.
int32FlushCalls glFlush.
<Matrix>GetCameraInverseMatrixRetrieves the current camera transformation matrix in world coordinates. That is, the transformation from eye space to world coordinates.
<Matrix>GetCameraMatrixRetrieves the complete camera and view specification active in the device.
int32GetColorBufferTextureHandleReturns a texture handle from a color buffer. One use for the resulting texture handle would be as the handle for a dynamic texture object.
<RenderDeviceCaps>GetDeviceCapabilitiesReturns a pointer to the <RenderDeviceCaps> object, which can be queried for shader hardware capabilities such as maximum texture size.
float64GetFarZGets the far clipping plane distance of the rendering device.
int32GetHeightReturns the height of the active frame buffer, which may be the default frame buffer of the context.
int32GetMaximumTextureUnitsRetrieves the maximum number of texture units supported by the rendering device.
<Matrix>GetModelMatrixRetrieves the current model-view transformation matrix state.
float64GetNearZGets the near clipping plane distance of the rendering device.
<Vec>GetOrientationRetrieves the current camera orientation, a ZYX Euler angle rotation, of the rendering device.
<Vec>GetPositionGets the current camera position of the rendering device.
int32GetProgramAttribIndexReturns an index for a specific attribute in a <Program>.
int32GetProgramConstantCountReturns the number of active constants for the specified shader program handle.
float64GetProgramConstantFloat32Reads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int32GetProgramConstantFloat32RangeReads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
float64GetProgramConstantFloat64Reads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int32GetProgramConstantFloat64RangeReads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int32GetProgramConstantIndexGets an index for a constant in a <Program>. The result can then be used to set the value of the constant, which will be set in the <Program> before the <Program> is executed.
int32GetProgramConstantInfoPopulates a <ProgramConstantInfo> object with information about the specified program constant.
int32GetProgramConstantInfoByIndexPopulates a <ProgramConstantInfo> object with information about the constant at the specified index.
int32GetProgramConstantInt32Reads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int32GetProgramConstantInt32RangeReads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int64GetProgramConstantInt64Reads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int32GetProgramConstantInt64RangeReads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
uint32GetProgramConstantUint32Reads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int32GetProgramConstantUint32RangeReads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
uint64GetProgramConstantUint64Reads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int32GetProgramConstantUint64RangeReads the GPU-resident value of the uniform at the specified location.
int32GetProgramShaderBufferIndexReturns the index of the specified shader buffer.
int32GetProgramShaderBufferSizeReturns the total size of the shader buffer.
int32GetProgramSubroutineCountReturns the number of active subroutines for the <Program>.
int32GetProgramSubroutineIndexReturns the index of the specified subroutine.
int32GetProgramSubroutineNamePopulates a <Str> object with the name of the subroutine at the specified index.
int32GetProgramSubroutineUniformIndexReturns the index of the specified subroutine uniform.
int32GetProgramSubroutineUniformNameSets the value of the specified <Str> object to the value of the subroutine uniform at the specified index.
int32GetProgramSubroutinesPopulates an <Int32Array> with the indices of the subroutine uniforms at the specified index.
int32GetProgramUniformBufferIndexReturns the index of the specified uniform buffer.
int32GetProgramUniformBufferSizeReturns the total size of the uniform buffer.
int32GetProjectionReturns the projection of the rendering device.
<Matrix>GetProjectionMatrixRetrieves the current projection matrix state.
<Matrix>GetTransformRetrieves the current model-view transformation matrix state.
<Matrix>GetViewMatrixRetrieves the current model-view transformation matrix state.
int32GetWidthReturns the width of the active frame buffer, which may be the default frame buffer of the context.
float64GetZoomGets the zoom value of the rendering device.
int32GpuAwaitFenceCalls glWaitSync and inserts a fence that causes the GPU/GL server to wait until all commands issued to OpenGL have completed.
int32InsertFenceAssociates a <GLsync> object with a <GpuFence> object. Initially, a <GpuFence> object's internal pointer to a <glSync> object is nullptr. Executing this command creates a <glSync> object that will be managed by the <GpuFence> object. Note that you cannot access the <GLsync> itself.
int32InsertMemoryBarrierInserts a memory barrier in the current OpenGL command list.
int32QueryDeviceParameterFloat32Calls glGetFloatv to query the driver about the state of OpenGL on the physical device.
int32QueryDeviceParameterFloat64Calls glGetDoublev to query the driver about the state of OpenGL on the physical device.
int32QueryDeviceParameterIndexedFloat32Calls glGetFloati_v to query the driver about the state of OpenGL on the physical device.
int32QueryDeviceParameterIndexedFloat64Calls glGetDoublei_v to query the driver about the state of OpenGL on the physical device.
int32QueryDeviceParameterIndexedInt32Calls glGetIntegeri_v to query the driver about the state of OpenGL on the physical device.
int32QueryDeviceParameterIndexedInt64Calls glGetInteger64i_v to query the driver about the state of OpenGL on the physical device.
int32QueryDeviceParameterInt32Calls glGetIntegerv to query the driver about the state of OpenGL on the physical device.
int32QueryDeviceParameterInt64Calls glGetInteger64v to query the driver about the state of OpenGL on the physical device.
int32QueryDeviceParameterStringCalls glGetString to query the driver about the physical device manufacturer, GL version, and GLSL version.
int32QueryInternalFormati64vQueries OpenGL for information about the specified format.
int32QueryInternalFormativQueries OpenGL for information about the specified format.
int32QueryProgramParameterAllows you to query OpenGL for values such as GL_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE. See app_service_opengl_util.ssl for a list of query items. This function wraps glGetProgramiv .
int32ReadBufferReads a rectangular region of the active framebuffer into the specified <Image> object. It may be any buffer that is part of the frame buffer (depth or visual buffers, including MRTs), whether the "primary" buffer of the context, or a user-defined buffer. This is defined in part by the format of the <Image> object.
int32ReadShaderSubBufferReads a sub-region of memory from a shader storage buffer at the specified offset.
int32ReadTextureBufferReads an image from the GPU.
int32ReadTextureBufferToArrayReads an <Image> back from the GPU.
int32ReadTextureSubBufferReads a sub-section of an <Image> back from the GPU.
int32ReadUniformSubBufferReads a sub-region of memory from a uniform buffer at the specified offset.
int32RenderTriangleRenders a triangle. Each point specifies a 3D coordinate, a color, and a 2D texture coordinate.
int32SelectMaterialSets the device state to render using a <Material> defined by Material_Flags options and alpha-blending opacity. This refers to the Material_Flags enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
int32SelectMaterialStateSets the device state to render using a <Material> defined by Material_Flags options and alpha-blending opacity. The new <Material> state inherits current texture state, if the flags do not include MF_Solid, and the current program, if the flags do not include MF_InheritProgram. This refers to the Material_Flags enumeration. Please see TYPE_SERVICE_ENUMERATION_UTIL.SSL in the application scripts folder for more information.
uint64SelectProgramSelect a program into the rendering device, or clear the current program.
int32SelectRenderTargetSelects the specified frame buffer as the new render target for the rendering device. If a valid frame buffer is selected, its color buffer and depth buffer will contain the results of the rendering pass after rendering is complete.
int32SelectTextureSelects a texture into texture unit 0 of the rendering device's texture stack. Use the SelectTextureUnit function if you wish to use a texture unit other than 0.
int32SelectTextureFrameBufferSelects a color buffer attached to the specified frame buffer into the specified texture unit. At present, the first color buffer is used.
int32SelectTextureUnitSelects a <Texture> into the specified texture unit of the rendering device. To determine the maximum number of texture units supported by the rendering device, call the GetMaximumTextureUnits function.
int32SetFrontSets the view projection of the rendering device to front view.
int32SetModelMatrixAssigns the model-view matrix transformation state.
int32SetNearFarZSets the distance between the camera and the near and far clipping planes.
int32SetOrientationSets the camera orientation of the rendering device to the specified ZYX Euler angle rotation.
int32SetPerspectiveSets the view projection of the rendering device to perspective view.
int32SetPositionSets the camera position of the rendering device to the specified position.
int32SetProgramConstantBool32Stores a bool value inside a program constant with at least one component.
int32SetProgramConstantBool32VectorSets a vector of Boolean values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantBool32VectorArraySets an array of vectors of Boolean values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantBool32x2Sets the value of a two-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantBool32x3Sets the value of a three-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantBool32x4Sets the value of a four-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantBool32xNSets the value of an array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32Sets the value of a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32MatrixSets a matrix as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32MatrixMxNSets the value of a matrix shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32MatrixMxNxNSets the value of a matrix array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32MatrixNSets the value of a matrix array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32VectorSets a vector of single-precision floating point values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32VectorArraySets an array of vectors of single-precision floating point values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32x2Stores two floating point values inside a program constant with at least two components.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32x3Stores three floating point values inside a program constant with at least three components.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32x4Stores four floating point values inside a program constant with at least four components.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat32xNSets the value of an array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64Sets the value of a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64MatrixSets a matrix as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64MatrixMxNSets the value of a matrix shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64MatrixMxNxNSets the value of a matrix array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64MatrixNSets the value of a matrix array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64VectorSets a vector of double-precision floating point values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64VectorArraySets an array of vectors of <float64> point values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64x2Sets the value of a two-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64x3Sets the value of a three-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64x4Sets the value of a four-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantFloat64xNSets the value of an array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInfoSets a program constant meta-data value for a constant that is resident on the GPU. It should be noted that this is a debug only feature, and that incorrect alterations to GL state may cause undefined behavior.
int32SetProgramConstantInt32Stores an <int32> value inside a program constant with at least one component.
int32SetProgramConstantInt32VectorSets a vector of <int32> values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt32VectorArraySets an array of vectors of <int32> values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt32x2Sets the value of a two-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt32x3Sets the value of a three-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt32x4Sets the value of a four-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt32xNSets the value of an array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt64Sets the value of a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt64VectorSets a vector of <int64> values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt64VectorArraySets an array of vectors of <int64> values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt64x2Sets the value of a two-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt64x3Sets the value of a three-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt64x4Sets the value of a four-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantInt64xNSets the value of an array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantMatrixStores a 4x4 matrix inside a program constant.
int32SetProgramConstantMatrixMxNStores an 'M' x 'N' matrix inside a program constant. The upper left matrix of size RowCount x ColumnCount is taken from the parameter 'Value'.
int32SetProgramConstantMatrixMxNxNSets the value of a matrix array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantMatrixNSets the value of a matrix array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint32Sets the value of a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint32VectorSets a vector of <uint32> values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint32VectorArraySets an array of vectors of <uint32> values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint32x2Sets the value of a two-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint32x3Sets the value of a three-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint32x4Sets the value of a four-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint32xNSets the value of an array shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint64Sets the value of a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint64VectorSets a vector of <uint64> values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint64VectorArraySets an array of vectors of <uint64> values as a shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint64x2Sets the value of a two-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint64x3Sets the value of a three-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint64x4Sets the value of a four-component shader constant.
int32SetProgramConstantUint64xNSets the value of an array shader constant.
int32SetProgramShaderBufferBindingBinds a shader buffer.
int32SetProgramUniformBufferBindingBinds a shader buffer.
int32SetProjectionSets the view projection of the rendering device.
<Matrix>SetProjectionMatrixAssigns a new projection matrix state.
int32SetSideSets the view projection of the rendering device to side view.
int32SetTopSets the view projection of the rendering device to top view.
int32SetTransformAssigns the model-view matrix transformation state.
int32SetViewMatrixThis member assigns the model-view matrix transformation state.
int32SetViewportChanges the rendering device's viewport dimensions to the specified values.
int32SetZoomSets the zoom value of the rendering device.
int32UpdateShaderBufferSets the size and usage flag for the buffer.
int32UpdateTexture1DUpdates a 1D texture that is currently resident on the GPU. You can only use this to update 1D textures.
int32UpdateTexture2DUpdates a 2D texture that is currently resident on the GPU. You must use this if you wish to update 2D textures, 1D array textures, and cubemaps.
int32UpdateTexture3DUpdates a 3D texture that is currently resident on the GPU. You must use this if you wish to update 3D textures, 2D array textures, and cubemap array textures.
int32UpdateTextureDataUpdates the entire specified <Texture> without creating a new OpenGL® texture resource. Effect use prevents re-binding, which can be an expensive operation, and promotes reuse of OpenGL teture resources.
int32UpdateTextureSubDataUpdates a sub-region of the specified <Texture> without creating a new OpenGL® texture resource. Effect use prevents re-binding, which can be an expensive operation, and promotes reuse of OpenGL teture resources.
int32UpdateUniformBufferSets the size and usage flag for the buffer.
int32WriteShaderSubBufferWrites data to the shader buffer.
int32WriteUniformSubBufferWrites data to the uniform buffer.

Object Members

Object members are as follows:

Type Name Accessor Name Documentation
<ModelView>ViewGets or sets the model view attached to the rendering device.
int32DisplayCompilerLogToggles the <Program> shader compiler log messages on/off. This can only be set for <Render3D> objects accessed via Application.GetAccel3D().
int32LightSourceEnableGets or sets the lighting state of the rendering device.
int32PolygonFillModeGets or sets the polygon fill mode currently used by the rendering device.