SetProgramConstantFloat32VectorArray Data Member Function

Sets an array of vectors of single-precision floating point values as a shader constant.


int32 SetProgramConstantFloat32VectorArray( int32 p_nHandle, int32 p_nIndex, Float32VectorArray p_oData, int32 p_nDimension, int32 p_nCount )


Parameter Type Parameter Name Documentation
int32p_nHandleThe handle to the shader program. This can be acquired by calling the <Program> object's GetHandle() data interface.
int32p_nIndexThe index of the shader constant to set.
<Float32VectorArray>p_oDataA pointer to the source <Float32VectorArray> object.
int32p_nDimensionThe value 2, 3, or 4 depending on the dimensions of the constant. For example, a <Float32Vector> object always has four components, but using 2 here allows you to set an array of vec2 shader constants.
int32p_nCountThe number of items to copy, which must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the array count.


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None published. Please look for an example in the Scenome Scripting Language code base.